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Norway to Force Firms to Let WomensintosBoardrooms
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/15 09:35  《英语学习》

  Norway struck an unprecedented blow for sexual equality when the government said it would force companies to guarantee that at least 40 percent of board members are women. Under the controversial plan, unveiled on the eve of International Women's Day, the center-right government said state and partly state-run companies would have to comply with the quota within a year. Private companies will have to follow suit in 2005. "This makes March 8, 2002, a historic day, a milestone in the history of the fight for equality," said Children and Family Affairs Minister Laila Daavoey. Women are scarce in top jobs in Norwegian companies even though they have long had a strong position in the rest of society. Eight of 20 members of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik are women. Norway's Kristin Krohn Devold is among the few female defense ministers in the world. Daavoey denied that the measure might backfire by allowing inexperienced women to win jobs ahead of better qualified men. "We've waited long enough, now something had to be done. ... The best will be chosen and the best you find among women and men," she said. The proposal also says that at least 40 percent of board members have to be men.



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《英语学习》2002年6期 专题



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