托福机考听力七月机经(截至7.18) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/22 12:04 寄托天下 |
前言: GRE机考一天有几十篇机经,连最无用处的阅读、组题、数学也有N多的人总结。机考考G真是爽。TOEFL机考一个月也就十几篇机经,连最有用的听力部分也没人好好总结。机考考T真是不爽。我七月考T,考完一定写机经,你呢?用我这篇总结抛砖引玉,也希望有更多的人来总结机经。 很多人说“地中海的历史”和“高等法院”有详细的机经,我怎么没发现。那位贴一下。 短对话题 1男,你现在是去上历史课吗女,我现在去看牙医,这是他们唯一能安排给我的时间。问,说明什么。我选THE GIRL WILL MISS THE CLASS。 2男,球赛还有20分钟就开始了,搭我的车去学校球场吧。女,为什么不搭BUS呢,这样更方便,而且这个时候你会找不到停车位的。 3: G:不能选课因为还没决定好主修你还不用担心这问题因为我已经二年级了你还是新生B:我已经知道自己想选什幺主修了可以现在修课吗G:去注册中心看看吧Q: B之后要做什幺 4. B:你的脚怎幺了怎幺用这幺奇怪的方式走路G:昨天扭伤B:我虽不是医生但我觉得你应该(??)。 Q: B建议G要怎样 5. B:听说你搬进新宿舍一定很好吧? G:这个坏了那个不能用有哪好? Q: G觉得新宿舍如何? 6. G:在考试前竟然要念这幺多书! B:不用啊念前半部就好了老师已经改Syllabus Q: G搞错什幺 7. G:怎幺现在会在这里遇见你你今天不是有part-time job B:改时间了因为考试要到了Q: B为何没去打工? 8. G:谢谢B介绍的工作但做的很累B:我刚开始时也这幺觉得Q: B认为G之后会如何 9.女生辅导小朋友做功课男生也想女生建议男生先去…。 10. B:生病不能去参加party G:…。 Q: G的反应 11. G: library要paint不知要去哪念书B:我都去…Q: B建议G如何 12.男要女看兰求赛,女看书不去; 13. 2个学生排队办ID,很长。注意男的回答; 14.女告诉男,他的ROOMMATE的哥哥来了,住。男的抱怨他不知道,总是最后知道; 15.女感冒了,。不吃药,怕上课睡觉; 16.男上课很积极,女有一门觉的想睡觉; 17.学生甲乙,甲上课因为别的学生坐在后面太嘈听不到老师,。乙建议甲告老师,甲说不,打算往前作; 地中海的历史; ??? 高等法院 ??? 动物保暖题 Biology (the word showed in the computer) Last week we discussed how animals adapt to extremely hot whether. Today we will talk about how animals in Antarctic areas’adaptation to extremely hostile and cold climates. The first method is eating, the fox (an animal) that weights only 30 pounds can consume as much as 15 pounds of fish a day. and the polar bear can keep eating all day for hundred of pounds. The second method is to insolate water from their skin. And for this method, there are three examples: 1. Some kind of seal or walrus, has thick furs, the fur is so thick so tightly woven that water can never penetrate underneath the fur to touch the skin. However leak of oil to the ocean can make the fur loose such ability and let watch violate into the skin, that’s why thousand of seals and other ocean animals die of pollution. 2. Some kind of ox, it’s fur consists two layers. The outer layer has thick, sharp fur that are protective to the inner fur. The inner fur is the wool. The wool is very small and fine and hollow and light. It can hold on to as much air that is warmed up by the body temperature as possible and keep such warm air from dispense. Therefore the ox can keep himself isolated from water. And warm body temperature will not be lost in cold sea. 3. Birds, birds broom themselves with their beaks, that’s how they put protective oil on the feather to make it water proof so the water can never actually get into their skin.北极的动物如何防止体温丢失.考到一提配对提,几种方式如何包温;还有问OIL SPILL对这些动物的影响,选破坏它们用来保温的分泌物.地处寒冷地带和水中的动物怎么保暖,有三种方式,一是不断的进食,二是利用厚厚的脂肪层,三是利用皮毛隔开使不和水接触。有对照题。 北欧国家移民题 Scientists used to think the new fenland was not visited by xxx country although there were folk stories about their visits. but such belief was overturned later by new discoveries. Based on the sagas, A scientists couple obtained a map from the 15th century historical book and traced down towns through the route described in the map and found the village. So they asked the villagers whether there were strange buildings or finding around the village. The villagers told them about the remains of an ancient city in a nearby area. The scientists found especially strange a blacksmith’s shop where irons from xxx country (北欧的什么国家)was recognized. They also went there and discovered cloaks and pins. Since making clothes are traditionally a women’s job, the scientist believe there were large settlements with both men and women from xxx country in ancient times. Q1. what are the two thing the scientist couple depend on for their discovery. Saga and map. Q2. Why did they think the new fenland was visited by xxx country. Because special irons from XXX was found there. Q3. Why did the scientist think women from XXX were there? Because of needles pins used to make clothes.在北美发现VIKING VILLAGE的遗迹,种种迹象表明当年有VIKING从欧洲的ICELAND等地方迁移到北美,提到铁器,针,女性缝制衣服等。 BUS题G: Hey haven’t seen you for a while, why you came? B: I took a W bus, it goes directly from the campus to the downtown dormitory. It does not make local stops like the regular Q does. G: a W bus, I thought there was only one bus, the Q bus that goes from the school to the dorm. B: You didn’t know about it? It was announced in the campus newspaper as early as last semester. G: Great, then we can take W instead of Q from now on. B: The only thing is the W only comes every half an hour, unlike the Q that comes every 15 minutes, so one has to wait a long time. Q: where is the students’dorm? 垄断题这是一个政治学的一个段子。讲的是美国的对垄断的态度演变和政策演变。一开始人们对垄断的定义不统一。(有题)。过了一段时间,人们开始讨论如何避免垄断,并通过一定的法规来制止它。但是政治还是受到大资本家影响的。问对垄断的这些提案是反映了谁的影响。(群众,总统还是资本家?) Group discussion about monopoly, the professor first told about a law to against monopoly named Sxxxx, Because different people and groups have different opinions about the definition of monopoly, so the law have been enact until...., but after the law had been announced, there are still problems to use it. a girl have different opinion about the reason with the text book. she think it is president who influences to use the law . 农业行为与墨西哥湾题 Ecology.讲农业行为如何影响了墨西哥海湾的生态环境,并导致那里成为捕鱼的贫瘠之地,这里有一道排序题,我认为顺序是,先是农业施肥产生的氮流入水中(1),使水中的algae蓬勃生长(2),等algae死亡沉入海底,它们腐烂的尸体产生了许多细菌(3),这些细菌deplete水中的氧气(4),然后导致鱼类迁徙或者死亡。后两项的排列,还有待斟酌,如果后来者有谁遇到了这题,并且听清楚了的话,可以和我讨论。另外还有就是政府采取的措施,一是把靠海的农田迁至westland,二是减少氮肥的使用。这里是双选题。Ecology.讲农业行为如何影响了墨西哥海湾的生态环境,并导致那里成为捕鱼的贫瘠之地。这里需要强调的是,题目和前人所述略有出入,没有排序题,但是双选题一样。 墨西哥湾和上游farmer的关系,说上游用化肥,流到湾里。海藻多,然后死了以后细菌多了,鱼跑的快,可crab and snail就不这么幸运了(这有题)。见前人寂静。 星球题 讲邱比特星,说什么去探测它,它为什么很大,它的大气什么的,它的温度很高,它有很多卫星…/丘比特星的温度、大气、moon,星上有多少moon,为什么有厚厚的气层,温度的特点,提到的好象是JUPITER旁边TROJAN ASTROID的情况及位置,问题中有一个SOLAR SYSTEM的图,要求指出TROJAN ASTROID的位置.Jupiter星和它的moon,邱比特星,说什么去探测它,它为什么很大,它的大气什么的,它的温度很高,它有很多卫星星球的形状与密度的关系,说星球的形状跟ROTATION SPEED AND DENSITY OF THE PLANTS有关。双选。 说星球的形状跟ROTATION SPEED AND DENSITY OF THE PLANTS有关。双选。SATURN的密度比水还小所以很扁。作者提到SOCCER---比喻星球转速和形状的关系。/关于为什么有的星球不是正球形。这是因为两个原因(多选),一是星球的密度(以水密度为衡量单位,有题),二是因为星球旋转的速度。转的快而密度低就可能导致星球呈现为扁圆体。说星球的形状跟ROTATION SPEED AND DENSITY OF THE PLANTS有关。复选。SATURN的密度比水还小所以很扁。作者提到SOCCER---比喻星球转速和形状的关系。/PLANET SHAPE受密度和转速影响, 哈德迅河派题 段子,老师和学生讨论。老师讲到到一个美国画画的流派,叫“哈德迅河派”,其实创作题材不仅仅限制在纽约州,还有西部的题材。该流派的特点是,纤毫毕现,比如某画家画的画,连树叶都画得清清楚楚(有考题,举例子作什么用?说明该流派画画非常EXACTLY精细)。由于当时又没有摄影等记录手段,所以科学家用该流派的画来进行科学研究(有考题,为什么用)。还举了另外一个画家的画。后来,科学家又不用这些画来进行研究了,因为出现了精确的记录手段,而这些画尽管精细但还是不够精细(有考题,为什么不用)。 植物落叶题 lecture关于botany。讲植物落叶的作用(有双选)。一是到了冬天如何保持水分。由于到了冬天根部能从土壤里吸收的水分减少了,植物就依靠脱掉叶子来降低蒸发;二是改变植物自身化学成分的分配。文中提到了人们对于植物落叶的一个误区,有题。还有一道题是根据文中讲的植物从落叶到改变化学成分的三个步骤的排序。一定要仔细听才能排得出来。 a lecture about botany: the defoliate of tree. how the trees to live through the winter when trees can not get enough water from soil. during the winter. how trees change their chemistry of their body to shatter the leave. 英国移民题 我听力题中也有一道和你一样的有关英国移民去北美的题,我听的内容是,他们一开始去东北的一个地方,应该是今天的New England一带(因为这个地名从来也没有见过,所以也没有记,不过是字母P开头--is plymount),第一个冬天因为天气寒冷,失去了不少人,但是他们不愿意去Viginia,(虽然那儿比较温暖),因为那儿还是英国人管辖的老殖民地,过了第一个冬天之后,他们的情况开始好转,不过,正是因为他们所在的地方气候寒冷,所以他们普遍比Viginia的居民健康there is a double choice here, how did the people survive in the first winter. I don't catch the detailed information. Do anybody who take the same paragraph know the answer? 生物抢资源题 各种不同的生物抢资源。提到6个物种在一起共用一个资源,但是不抢,是因为那个资源很丰富(有题)。还提到另外一个不抢资源的情况是使用时间不一样(有题),另外还有一个不抢的情况,我没听清。 卖旧书题 Two students discuss to sell their used books, the boy said he want to sell them directly to other people, he do not what to sell them through bookstore, the girl said she saw last semester the book store only have half books available. So the boy said he will back school early to past book sell advertise in the hall. 火山题 火山的构造,active and dormant火山,考点为:火山气体对火山的影响,我选了melten the rock, dorment volcano如何变为active,(双选)lava沿裂缝出来,和内部压力逐渐变大。motif是什么 管理学题一个老师2个学生讨论怎样提高公司员工的效率,先说管理者用了negative stimulus,让员工效率提高, but it can not last long(有题),一个学生提到1工作环境2薪水3同事关系会让员工fill satisfied, but can not be stimulus. The stimulus can提高效率are opportunity to get trained, recognition and achievement. 一个老师2个学生讨论怎样提高公司员工的效率,先说管理者用了一堆什么损招,让员工效率提高(有题),但是效果不长久。一个学生提到1工作环境2薪水3同事关系会让员工效率提高。另一个学生说,上面3个方面会让员工happy(有题),好像不一定能提高效率。 美国摩天大楼材料光折射;美国摩天大楼的外墙用料反射大量的太阳光,产生光污染,如何在后来的建筑材料上改进这个缺陷。 城市里太多的摩天大楼影响光线,建筑师采用一种特殊材料做外墙,可以折射光线。 没上复习课题 男的误了一节课,女的问怎么了,男说他的schedule上,没有把这次课的时间写上,所以没来(有题)。女说,你惨了,老师复习了一堆东西(好像是划重点吧,有题),还说下次要考试,然后说借笔记给男的。男的非常感谢,要copy女的的笔记(有题) 买旧家具题 A girl wants to buy furniture for the new apartment. She wants to find information to buy used furniture from the classified ad. from newspaper. girl want to buy furniture for the new apartment. talking about finding the classified ad. from newspaper to buy the used ones.注意女的女朋友的建议和那个人的经验; 动物竞争合作题 Rats act extremely under extreme environment, they compete and are hostile to each other, there’s a“safety area”. So scientist drew the conclusion that animals act extremely under extreme environment. But experiment with primate (monkey) extends or doesn’t agree to this conclusion. Primate cooperate with each other….讲哺乳动物的safety area。提到猴子,给出sefety area的定义(有题)。问文章中提到的猴子在什么情况下(没听明白)是竞争的还是互相帮助的(有题)。 Drop课题 Two students talk about calculate class, the boy drop the class already, because he have no time to take it because he has a part-time job at present. He want to take a summer calculate lesson indeed. But the girl said the summer lesson is more difficult,( time is more tight). boy said no problem because he will stop work for a while and concentrate on study. 现实与理想画题 About a famous realist painter in 19th , at the beginning the teacher give the background about a bias about realism before , and then she gives the correct definition about realism, and idealism. She also talk about the differences of these two methods, their differences in styles, and differences of their subjects. the details about realist choose people and the and the city life as their subjects. but the idealist choose those imagines such as gods. In the end , the teacher point out the unique style of that famous painter. 下雪题 a lecture about snow: snow has very important function in agriculture. Reduced snow in a winter will influence the crops growing in next spring, for snow provide water to plants. an example in 1936 spring, Utah states(?), people reduce crop plant because last year there is only little snow. then the teacher introduce 3 means to detect the amount of snow on the earth. such as, use satellite, use airplane, and check the soil under the snow. 期末考试题 一男和一女讨论某教授的额外补习班,女的说她MIDTERM没考好,所以希望通过补习,FINAL可以考好一点,男的说他也向参加,女的说,你期中不是成绩很好吗。男的说听说期末考试会更难。然后又说他到时可能有事不能参加,问女的到时候借他笔记。 男的问女的是否参加X教授的辅导班,女的说当然,因为她midle test没考好,男的也想参加。女的说你不是考的不错吗,但男的说听一个上学期参加过这科的人说,final test会很难,因为他就是final test被killed。女的有说,他的话你还信,从来就没见他好好学过。男的又说他可能到时候有事情去不了,回头借这女的NOTES。问:男的将让这女的干什么?选lend her notes to him。 懒学生题 a student want to register course. The adviser told him the 2:00pm class is closed, but there is a 9:ooam class teached by the same professor still open. But the student said that "I'm not a early person." 纺织物题 Scientists considered that a nation could make textile far before they original thought. Because some clothes on the stone statue was mistaken to be tattoo and hair (2 choice), and…, making textile is more complex than hunting because…. 印地安mask治病题 美国印地安某部落的mask,是木头做材料,用来healing人的。还的从活树上来砍下一块来,目的是为了让mask上还能留有大树的spirit(有题,双选),因为他们崇拜树,因此砍下来后还要举行若干ritual,其中就有smoke(有题)。/美国土著的mask制作与ritual的联系记住:制作过程分4步有题!mask用在仪式上之前必须先涂油和……/3,土著人作mask,healing ritual,protect the tree's spirit 这是一个历史的段子。有一个北美的部落用MASK治病,这是这个mask的制作过程比较复杂。要先用烟叶熏要雕刻的树(为什么要用烟熏?)。然后在雕刻成面具,这样作的目的是把树的SPIRIT引到到MASK上,增加治病的疗效(为甚莫用树做成面具来治病,一道题)。这还没有完,要把这些面具的最后的工序中加入两个东西,一种油和烟叶熏以增加疗效(这里有一个多选题)。 人类学家题人类学家和电脑之间的关系,人类学家在公司里与在研究机构的区别(有题)提到公司的培训,公司的售后服务,以及通过调查客户应用电脑的情况,提高产品的销售(有题)。 参考简历题 a man talks with a woman (both are students). The man wants to make reference to the woman's resume to write his own one. 注册课题女生要注册一门西班牙语101class,老师说都注册满了,但是好像过两周有另外一种西班牙语的课,女生高兴了,要到时候来注册(有题)。 买自行车题 男的搭邻居车来得,没迟到,女吃惊,男说碰巧今天能搭车。女说为啥男整一辆自行车,男说容易丢。女说学校保卫处卖还便宜,不易丢(有记号),男说下课去。 不清楚的题 毕业了,还loan的事 找教授问课上讲的问题,马上要上课,找秘书约时间。 房子供热问题,在外面安一管子,从太阳吸收热量。大致是这样吧,这个是老太婆的裹脚布,最长了。 有一个是讲蜜蜂怎样传消息给同伴哪儿有蜂蜜采,最个有有把握的,就是那个走圆形舞和8字舞,还要太阳帮助。 一个是讲海马怎么mate,生eggs,还有hatch egg的事,问了公海马和母海马的分工和职责,这有一个排序题从找地方到下egg的各个步骤,我又没到过,哪有这么清楚啊这个也巨长。 美国艺术史,将达达主意和立体主意的产生发展和差别,极大大的代表人物和作品。段子似乎不难,但考点一个也没有听到。心理更加发毛。 两个学生谈roommate,考点为:pet allergy, change roommate, get along with, shed on couch. 最后一片很简单讲学生找老师问为什么不给他grad,老师让按他的要求改。很简单。 课堂提问题,讲一种海鱼的MIGERATE,讲到WARM——BLOODED和COLD-BLOODED的海洋动物怎么感觉海水温度,有图。 小对话,一男一女商量周末准备PRESENTATION。 大气中氧气越来越多,CARBON越来越少。 生物提。科学家研究出一种生物SYSTEM控制害虫,而不用杀虫剂。问到农民伯伯为什么不愿用这种系统,我猜的:因为这种系统需要一段时间才能见效。 考古提。MITH和TALE可以为考古提供线索。如一王子发动战争抢走HELEN的故事,后来发现一些史实和遗迹能验证。 两学生讨论新开通的车站。 一学生想约教授改简历,好下学期找工作。 建筑。一建筑学家的两种建筑风格,一传统,屋顶太大,不实用,一较现代,贴近自然,象日本建筑。 讨论对MARS上是否有海洋的天文发现,注意提到的不同证据,比如沙子等,有问题问文章为何提到里海和印度洋,大家要注意听,我当时就漏过去了。 心理学讨论课,谈论当人lie时的不同种反映,例如不敢正视对方的眼睛,不停的摇晃hands等。 讲美国的southwest一种rodent-pack rat,如何在酷热的环境下生存,还有科学家根据植物和一些动物(现在在这一地区已经不存在了)的化石推断这地区很早以前的气候和现在大不相同。问什么忘记了。 男的去参加一个law workshop,问女去不?女开始不去,说law学费太贵,不想上graduate,男说workshop有人讲这个问题,女决定去。 两个学生谈学校举办的自行车比赛 艺术课,讨论2种。画派。一种很细,可以提供给毛种学科研究植物;另一种稍稍提到,写意;注意听,学生从那学到的画派知识,画展OR BOOK。 3种哺乳动物,按不同繁殖方法分3类,有文字提示。 图书馆,可借10本,男已拿8本,又想要拿5本。 地球早期的空气组成碳的循环。 B问老师the topic of project T:刚好念了一篇文章提到California的一些生物。 G征选学校报纸的记者工作B也想但是明天才有空去Q: G写的文章主题/B之后要干么。(作者:guest) |
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