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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年6期 > 乐声激荡人行险

Fast Music Can Lead to Dangerous Driving
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/23 09:24  《英语学习》

  Drivers who listen to fast-tempo music on the road are more likely to have accidents, a science magazine said recently. When Warren Brodsky of Ben-Gurion University in Israel used a simulator to test the effects of music on the driving habits of 28 people, he found drivers were more prone to take risks as the tempo increased. "Drivers had more than twice as many accidents when they were listening to fast tempos as when they listened to slow or medium-paced numbers," New Scientist magazine said. Brodsky believes music is distracting the drivers and making them less alert. He thinks drivers should be aware of the impact music has on them and advised them to either choose slower tunes or to turn down the volume to reduce distraction.



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《英语学习》2002年6期 专题



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