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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 怀念篇:永恒的经典--披头士(1)

Still “Fab” After 40 Years
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/26 11:19  空中美语



  In the 50 or so years since rock music first appeared, no group has been as successful as the Beatles. They were the first British band to achieve worldwide fame, and the very band that caused the British Invasion.

  The Beatles got together in 1960. In 1964, they went to America,swheresthey took the music world by storm. In the first week of April that year, the Beatles had the top five best-selling songs in the United States. By the time they broke up six years later, the Beatles had become a household name all over the world.

  It seems Beatlemania still lives on today. In April, the handwritten lyrics for the Beatles' song "Hey Jude" were sold for a very high price. "Hey Jude" was also recently voted number three on a list of Top 100 songs.







  ●Fab (fabulous)惊人的,难以置信的

  ●British Invasion英国音乐热潮




  Sentence 4U

  By the time ... "到......时候为止",例如:

  By the time Mary arrived, the movie had already begun.



  披头士乐队(the Beatles)是60年代(1960s)最风靡世界的英国乐队(a British band that took the music world by storm)。成员有Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison和Ringo Starr。他们以独特的音乐风格、长发和新潮服饰(characteristic musical flavor, long hair,and unique clothing style)使年轻人为之疯狂。词曲大部分出自麦卡尼和连侬(McCartney and Lennon were the major creative forces),而披头士也成为日后其他摇滚乐队的先驱(the Beatles established the precedent for other rock groups to play their own music)。该团在1970年发行最后一张专辑"Let It Be"以后解散(disbanded after the release of their final album "Let ItBe"),然而,他们特殊的音乐风格给流行乐坛带来极为深远的影响(had a profound influence on the course of popular music)。



  No (other) rocksgroupshas been as successful as the Beatles since rock music first appeared.

  =No (other) rocksgroupshas been more successful than the Beatles since rock music first appeared.

  =The Beatles have been the most successful rocksgroupssince rock music first appeared.




  ______ (other) bomb is _____ destructive _____ the nuclear bomb.

  ______ (other) bomb is ______ destructive ______ the nuclear bomb.

  The nuclear bomb is _____ _______ destructive weapon ever created.


  No, as, as

  No, more, than

  the most


  1. Q: How did you become so successful?


  2. Q: Who did you vote for, for class leader?


  3.Q: What time will it be by the time we arrive?


  听力小测验_答案: 1. Ans 1: I worked very hard. Ans 2: I never gave up. 2. Ans 1: I voted for Marcus. Ans 2: I didn’t vote. 3. Ans 1: About 6 o’clock. Ans 2: It depends on the traffic.

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空中美语 专栏


1. successful
adj. having done what one has tried to do成功的
She has been very successful in business.

2. achieve
v. to get as a result of action or effort达到;获得
He achieved a perfect score on the test.

3. fame
n. renown名声;名气
His latest movie has brought him a lot of fame.

4. handwritten
adj. written by hand; not printed手写的
His handwritten poems are worth a fortune.

5. vote
v. to appoint by means of election投票;选为
Tom was voted president of the club.


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