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朱丽亚·罗伯茨:Born to love
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/26 11:53  上海英文星报

Actress Julia Roberts and cameraman Daniel Moder kiss during their wedding
ceremony early July 4 at her 40-acre estate outside Taos, New Mexico.

  From "Runaway Bride" to blushing bride, Julia Roberts said on Monday that she was "born to love" her new cameraman husband Danny Moder, calling him "a man among men, unselfish and all-encompassing."

  Roberts, speaking for the first time about her secret midnight wedding on July 4, told ABC television's Diane Sawyer that she and Moder planned to have children "in due course."

  Roberts has broken off three engagements in the past and her first marriage, to country singer Lyle Lovett, lasted less than two years.

  Her love life was so chaotic that she was dubbed the "Runaway Bride" even before making the 1999 movie of the same name.

  She married Moder at her ranch in Taos, New Mexico just a year after he divorced his wife, in a ceremony held at midnight to avoid the media. The pair met on the set of "The Mexican".

  "He is formidable. He is a man among men, unselfish and all-encompassing," Roberts said, blushing with pride. "He stands by the choices he made. He will never blame it on somebody else, and I have never seen anybody else do that."

  Hollywood's highest paid female star said she and Moder were meant to be together.

  "I hope there are some people who agree that I have done some good, some kind things in my life, but to really ultimately stand fully in a moment of realizing that I was born to love and to be the wife of this man," she said.

  Roberts' romance with Moder began in spring last year, shortly after the end of her four year relationship with actor Benjamin Bratt. Bratt married actress Talisa Soto earlier this year and is expecting a child with her.

  Roberts and Bratt have never spoken publicly about the reasons for their split, but Roberts said on Monday that Bratt had made his own choices. "All the better because he was unhappy and he left and moved along and found happiness," she said.

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