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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年7期 > 世上最笨的奶奶

The Dumbest of Grammas in the World
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/08 13:06  《英语学习》


  When my first granddaughter Lacy was about three or four years old, she was my favorite shopping buddy!<注1> I could take her for an afternoon of shopping, and unlike a lot of young children, she never asked for anything.

  On one of these shopping outings<注2> in early spring, Lacy and I had been in several stores and now we were in a WalMart.<注3> As always I had put her in the front of a cart so she could stand and reach all the pretty items.<注4> We went up and down several aisles<注5> looking at everything. When we got into the children's section,<注6> she would reach out,<注7> take a dress off the rack<注8> and say, "Oh Gramma, isn't this one pretty?" After we both admired it she would hang it back up. This is always how we shopped: We looked, commented,<注9> returned the item and moved on. She never asked for those items; she just enjoyed looking at all the pretty things!

  We then moved on to the shoe department and as I pushed the cart through the little girls section, she picked up and admired several pairs of shoes. Then she saw a pair of hot pink (pink being her favorite color), high-top suede boots.<注10> Slowly reaching for them, she picked them up and cradled them in her arms.<注11> Looking up to me, still holding those boots, she said, "Gramma, please don't make me put them back!"

  I was surprised with this sudden pleading<注12> and asked, "Miss Lacy, what do you need boots for?" After all it was April, winter was over, and it was almost time to start wearing sandals,<注13> not boots.

  She replied so sadly, "Gramma, they're huntin' boots!"<注14> Trying to conceal my laughter,<注15> I asked her, "Exactly why do you need huntin' boots?" I knew this dainty, feminine<注16> little girl had never gone hunting with Daddy.

  She looked at me with an expression that implied God had given her the dumbest of grammas in the world<注17> and she said, "For huntin' Easter eggs!"<注18>

  I'm not sure how another gramma would have handled this situation. I do know Miss Lacy proudly left that store carrying the sack that held her new hot pink huntin' boots!

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
中国的衣橱里没有绿帽?(2002/08/08/ 10:58)
中国的衣橱里没有绿帽?(2002/08/08/ 10:48)
书写你的生命(2002/08/07/ 11:33)
旅行小贴士(2002/08/07/ 10:08)
有钱人的故事(2002/08/06/ 10:58)


1. buddy:伙伴,搭档。

2. shopping outing:外出购物。

3. Walmart:沃尔玛,美国最大的零售连锁店。

4. cart: (超级市场里的)手推车;item:商品,货物。

5. aisle:商店的狭长通道,过道。


7. reach out:伸出手。

8. rack:货架。

9. comment:评论。



12. pleading:请求,恳求。

13. sandal:凉鞋。

14. huntin' boots:猎靴。


16. dainty:秀丽的,优雅的;feminine:娇柔的。


18.“用来找复活节彩蛋呀!”hunt除了有“打猎”的意思,还可以表示“寻找”,显然小Lacy所说的huntin' boots并不是奶奶所理解的“猎靴”,而是指“用来找彩蛋的靴子”。Easter:复活节,是纪念“耶稣复活”的节日,一般指每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期日,具体时间可能是3月22日到4月25日其间的某一天。复活节彩蛋是用蛋煮熟着色,或用巧克力等制成蛋形,作为复活节的礼物或摆设,大人们还会将彩蛋藏在室内或是草地里让孩子们去寻找,这是复活节的一项重要活动。


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