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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年7期 > 旅行小贴士

Adventure Travel Tips
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/07 10:08  《英语学习》

  非予 编注


  Q: What kind of preparation should a traveler make?

  A: Plan your trip carefully. Research your destination, including social customs and political climate.

  Pick a trip that meets your fitness level.<注1>

  Give your travel plans and itinerary<注2> to family and friends, including planned schedule and route, expected return date, and who you will contact when you return from your trip.

  Expect the route you are taking to be more challenging than you anticipate.

  If you are inexperienced, find a reputable guide service for your first trip into a new region.

  If possible, travel with a partner.

  Q: What kind of dress is appropriate?

  A: Be sure your shoes are thoroughly broken in.<注3>

  Wear neutral colors.

  Wear loose clothing in warm climates—avoid thick cotton.

  Wear a sun hat and sunscreen.

  Get rain gear that is light, breathable, waterproof.<注4>

  Q: Any points on eating and drinking?

  A: Make sure bottle water is opened in your presence or open it yourself. Don't use ice in your drinks. Water needs to be boiled for 10 minutes to be safe. Use iodine tablets<注5> to put in your water to kill disease and make it safe. If possible, get a water purifier. Check information about rivers and lakes before you wade,<注6> swim or bathe.

  All meat, poultry, and seafood must be well-cooked and served while hot.

  Avoid uncooked vegetables or salad. All vegetables should be well-cooked and served hot. Eat only fruit with skin, that you peel.

  Q: Problems always emerge when packing luggage. Is there any travelers' packing list?

  A: There is a list of necessity for travelers.

  Clothing: 2 pairs of trousers/shorts. 2-4 shirts. Sweaters. Rain gear (coat and/or umbrella). Coat (weight depends on destination). 3 or 4 pairs of socks. 3 or 4 pairs of undergarments.<注7> Walking shoes/boots.

  Tools: Duffel bag.<注8> Flashlight (extra batteries & bulbs). Swiss Army Knife (or similar). Plastic water bottle & folding cup. Spoon (fork, plate). Compass. Whistle. Inflatable travel pillow.<注9> Sleep sack (lightweight) or sleeping bag. Nylon cord. Sewing kit. Small towel. Water purifier (chemical or mechanical).

  Medication: Analgesic<注10> (such as aspirin). Insect repellent.<注11> Bandages.

  Other: Maps, guidebooks. Camera, accessories,<注12> film, extra batteries. Dark glasses.

  Q: What else should a traveler pay attention to?

  A: Walk early in the day and rest during the heat of the day.

  Drink plenty of water in hot climates.

  Pace yourself<注13> when walking, climbing, etc.

  When walking in unfamiliar terrain, watch your step, not the scenery.

  Walk at a steady pace, rather than in bursts.<注14>

  If your trip is strenuous, get in shape before you go.<注15>

  If you're not sure, ask!

  Keep a journal.

  Don't photograph locals without their permission.

  On a wildlife trip, don't wear perfume or cologne.<注16>

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
有钱人的故事(2002/08/06/ 10:58)
McGraw-Hill书摘(2002/08/06/ 10:05)
男人百分百(2002/08/05/ 09:58)
网上有真情(2002/08/05/ 09:51)
美国女性为何选择“独身”?(2002/08/02/ 17:02)


1. fitness level:健康状况,身体状态。

2. itinerary:旅行计划,预定行程。


4.轻便,透气,防水的雨具。rain gear:雨具。breathable:透气的。waterproof:防水的。

5. iodine tablets:碘片(有净化水的作用)。

6. wade:涉水而过。

7. undergarment:内衣。

8. duffel bag: (防水的帆布)行李袋。

9. inflatable travel pillow:可充气的旅行枕。

10. analgesic:止痛剂。

11. insect repellent:驱虫剂。

12. accessories: (相机)附件。

13. pace yourself:控制自己的速度。


15.如果旅程比较艰难,出发前调整好自己的身体状态。strenuous:艰难的。in shape:处于良好的健康状况。

16. cologne:古龙水。


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