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King of Horror
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/14 09:48  空中美语



  “My friends, we have a chance to become Big Publishing’s worst nightmare.”This was the message posted by novelist Stephen King on his Web site in July 2000. And if anyone knows how to create a nightmare, it is King.

  With his novel“The Plant”the world’s best-known horror writer carried out an experiment. He posted it in sections on the Internet,swheresit could be downloaded by his fans. All he asked in return was that they send him US. Relying on this honor system, which meant he trusted his fans to follow this rule, King began selling his book online.

  King is certainly not the first writer to do this. He is, however, one of the few famous writers to publish a novel exclusively online. His experiment frightened traditional publishing houses who have not exactly embraced the concept of e-publishing. And who better to frighten“Big Publishing”than a man who has made a career out of scaring people?






空中美语 专栏
Joke:Your Dog is dead(2002/08/13/ 17:23)
Give someone a lift/让(某人)搭便车(2002/08/13/ 11:38)
leave behind/留下(2002/08/13/ 11:17)
Wicked Words:流言流言满天飞(1)(2002/08/13/ 10:54)
Call it a day/停止工作(2002/08/12/ 13:41)
Losing the Weight:夏日无重一身轻(2002/08/12/ 10:30)


1. nightmare
n. a frightening or unpleasant experience梦魇;恶梦
My first date with Jane was a nightmare.

2. post
v. to put information or a message in a public place公布
She posted a notice about her lost dog.

3. carry out
v. phr. to perform; to conduct执行;进行
The crime was carried out by a young couple.

4. rely on
v. phr. to trust or have faith in (sb./sth.)信赖;信任
You can rely on me to keep the secrets.

5. exclusively
adv. only排外地;专有地
This fitness center is exclusively for women.

6. embrace
v. to willingly accept sth., such as a new belief or idea欣然接受
The members embraced the company’s new policy.


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