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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/19 10:05  《英语学习》


  By Stephen Cleobury


  英国剑桥的一个标志性建筑是国王学院的教堂,这座教堂蜚声海内外,不仅因为其建筑风格秀丽而又大气,更重要的是,教堂里传出了学院唱诗班一代又一代悠扬动听的吟唱。学院每年的圣诞歌音乐会,BBC都要向世界实况转播。唱诗班的历任指挥,包括本文作者Stephen Cleobury,都是英国音乐界的名人。我们不妨听一听Cleobury对21世纪乐坛的展望。

  The most valuable works of the past will always be recognised, but I have no doubt that in the decades to come the music of the second half of this century will get filtered<注1>. Some works will survive in repertoire<注2> and others will gather dust<注3> on the shelves. When it comes to<注4> liturgical music, a lot of very simple, homespun<注5> music has been produced in the past 30 years and I hope ephemera<注6> like that will be filtered out.<注7>

  Within Oxbridge<注8>, nobody could pretend<注9> a choir was essential to the life of a college, but colleges would be very much the poorer<注10> without them. So one hopes that<注11> the new generation of clergy and college fellows<注12> will value liturgical tradition and, despite funding pressures<注13>, support choral excellence.<注14>

  The speed of communication<注15> is bound to have an effect on composers—styles are now known and imitated so quickly that "crossover"<注16> may be the buzzword<注17> for music in the new century. People can download anything in their home, and you know tomorrow what someone on the other side of the world did yesterday. Barriers between classical music, jazz and other forms will continue to break down and audiences will derive equal pleasure from lots of different styles. I foresee a greater plurality of taste<注18>.

  The great unknown<注19> is the effect new technology is going to have on the soundworld<注20> of music, as opposed to<注21> its forms and structures. In this century we've seen the potential of percussion in orchestral work develop out of all recognition<注22>, and have become accustomed to electronic music. So I anticipate developments around the corner<注23> that will produce huge changes in what we listen to.

  I'm concerned about the place of music in schools and parish churches in the future, since choirs and orchestras can only operate<注24> with the raw material they're given. There's already a realisation in the big symphony orchestras<注25> that they must engage in<注26> educational projects for the sake of their own survival—to attract the audiences of the next generation.

  As a teacher, my concern is that with<注27> technology allowing students to compose on computer, they may not learn the real fundamentals of musical language. Just as in a supermarket, where the person at the check-out<注28> no longer needs to engage in<注29> any mental arithmetic<注30>, so a composition student<注31> may not really know how you form a dominant seventh chord<注32> if all he has to do is hit a command key.

  As a performer I know there's a very big difference between making a recording in a studio and performing live<注33> for 1,000 people, and I believe audiences will always crave<注34> that difference. So my instinct is<注35> that great musical institutions<注36> like the Proms<注37> and the King's Carol Concerts<注38> will still be with us in 2099.







  (图片说明)Stephen Cleobury, "I hope the new generation of clergy and fellows will value choral excellence."

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
谁来玩这场游戏?(2002/08/19/ 09:51)
她在追赶明天(2002/08/16/ 09:26)
年轻人……(2002/08/16/ 09:20)
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疯狂世界(7)(2002/08/15/ 08:24)


1. get filtered:直译是‘得到过滤’,中文常说“经过筛选”。

2. survive in repertoire:‘在保留节目中生存下来’,也就是“流传下来,成为保留曲目”。

3. gather dust:直译‘聚集灰尘’不符合汉语搭配习惯,应译成“蒙满灰尘”。

4. When it comes to:至于,关于(非正式用法)。

5. homespun:字面意思是‘家里纺的’,引申义是“粗陋的”。

6. ephemera:蜉蝣。常用来指寿命短暂、昙花一现的事物,这里说的是音乐作品,故可译为“短命之作”。

7. filtered out:滤除。即“被淘汰”。

8. Oxbridge:牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)大学的缩称。

9. pretend:声称,假装说。口语化一些,可以译成“睁着眼说”。

10. much the poorer:直译是‘糟糕得多’,这里可以译成“大为逊色”。

11. So one hopes that:这里one泛指‘人们’。汉语在类似情况下通常是无主句。

12. college fellows:学院院士。指牛津或剑桥大学各学院负责指导学生的学习和生活的教员(teaching fellow)和研究员(research fellow),教员终身享有院士资格,研究员的院士资格有固定任期。

13. despite funding pressures:“尽管资金上有压力”或“不管资金如何短缺”。

14. support choral excellence:直译‘支持唱诗班的优秀’不符合汉语搭配习惯,这里的意思实际是“支持唱诗班越办越好”。

15. The speed of communication:直译‘通讯的速度’,意思不准确,因为速度有快有慢。这里实际指“高速通讯”。

16. crossover:这里的意思是‘[不同风格的]跨越’,这里姑且译为“风格跨越”。

17. buzzword:时髦词。

18. a...taste:与其按照原文的结构译成名词短语,不如译成从句“人们的欣赏口味将会更多元化”。

19. The great unknown:一个很大的未知数。

20. soundworld:这里的‘音响世界’实际就是“音响效果”。

21. as opposed to:常用来表示对比,这里可译为“而不是”。

22. out of all recognition:到了令人无法辨认的程度。

23. around the corner:本义是‘在拐角处’,引申义是‘在附近’,进一步引申义是‘不久’。

24. operate:基本意思是‘操作,运转’,此处可译为“演奏”。

25. There's ......orchestra:直译成‘在大的交响乐团里已经有一个意识’不符合汉语表达习惯,故应改变存在句型,译成“大的交响乐团已经意识到”。

26. engage in:=take part in(参与)。

27. with:由于,因为。

28. the check-out: [超市出口的]收款台。。

29. engage in: =do(做/从事)。

30. mental arithmetic:心算。

31. a composition student:学作曲的学生。

32. a dominant seventh chord:属七弦。

33. live:这里用作副词,意思是‘现场’。

34. crave:渴望。但这里译为“渴望亲身体验”意思才清楚。

35. my instinct is:直译‘我的本能是’不符合汉语表达习惯,应译为“我本能地认为”。

36. musical institutions:传统音乐活动。这里institutions的意思是‘传统活动’。

37. the Proms: promenade concert(普罗姆音乐会)的简略形式。promenade concert指在大庭广众举行的非正式古典音乐会,有座席和站席。the Prome特指BBC每年夏天主要在伦敦艾伯特堂(Albert Hall)举办并实况转播的大型系列音乐会。

38. the King's Carol Concerts:剑桥大学国王学院圣诞歌音乐会,由该学院的唱诗班演唱,BBC电视台每年都向全世界实况转播。


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