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Young people...
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/16 09:20  《英语学习》

  By Craig Wilson 姜凡 选注


  Scanning through my e-mails the other day, one in particular jumped out at me. The subject line read: "Note from Lyndonville Central School."

  Since I graduated from that fine institution of learning what seems like 147 years ago, I opened it first. It was from a man who teaches math there now, a man who was a few grades behind me, a man who was inviting me, on behalf of the student council, to speak at Class Day<注1> in June."I would like to invite you 'back home,' " he wrote. "What do you think?"

  What do I think?

  I don't know.

  The last time I spoke at Lyndonville Central School was graduation night of 1967. I can't remember exactly what I said that warm June evening, but I fear I proclaimed, among other things, that I was going to change the world, make it a better place for mankind, cure cancer and stop the spread of the leisure suit, the fashion faux pas<注2> that was sweeping the country.

  I came through only on<注3> the leisure suit promise. It was on the road to extinction by the following spring.

  But people will cut you some slack<注4> when you're 17. I distinctly remember applause. Perhaps they were just happy that I finally shut up, I don't know. At the time, I took it as a positive response, grabbed my diploma and got out of town. Never looked back, as they say.<注5>

  And now western New York was calling me home.

  If I go, what would I say this time around? What would I share with these kids who were me 35 years ago, sitting there in the bleachers, eager to get on with life?<注6>

  I've always been wary of adults bearing advice.<注7> Any adult who has ever tried to give me any over the years will vouch for that. (Not that I consider myself an adult, but I look like one now, so I can infiltrate places adults frequent and pass for one if I must.)<注8>

  Would I fall into that cliche<注9> pool of graduation speeches? Follow your dreams! Climb every mountain! Go out there and make a difference! Carpe diem!<注10>

  Or would I be brutally<注11> honest and tell them they'll be working for the next 50 years, have children who will think them fools and more than likely have as little hair as I do? And when all that's over, there will be no Social Security Check<注12> for them, because I will have already spent it.Actually, I'm not sure it really matters what I'd say.

  I'm sure there's a Class Day picnic they'll be itching to get to, a girl or boyfriend they'll be flirting with across the auditorium, a school's-almost-out daydream that will happily occupy their thoughts the whole time I might be speaking<注13>.

  I should know. I don't have a clue what any of my end-of-high-school speakers said. All I remember is they were old, rambled on<注14> for far too long and all looked like someone I would hope I'd never become.

  And now I have.

《英语学习》2002年7期 专题
她在追赶明天(2002/08/16/ 09:26)
电池的恶梦(2002/08/15/ 08:27)
疯狂世界(7)(2002/08/15/ 08:24)
我不是流氓!(2002/08/14/ 09:25)
创世的故事(2002/08/14/ 09:22)


1. Class Day:毕业纪念日。

2. faux pas:(法)不检点的话(或行为)

3. come through on sth.:成功、实现。

4. cut sb. some slack:对某人表示理解。

5. 当时,在自以为是赞许的掌声中,我一把拿过毕业证,象他们说的那样头也不回地离开了镇子,。

6. 这些孩子们恍如35年前的我,和他们我能谈些什么呢?他们就坐在露天看台上,一副对生活跃跃欲试的样子。bleacher:(美)运动场的露天座位。

7. 我一向对谆谆教诲的大人们心存戒备。be wary of : 提防,小心。

8. 过去几年,凡是试图忠告我的成年人都可以证明这一点。我没把自己当成年人,但因为我长得像,所以必要时我能经常混迹于成人场合并被当作其中的一员。

9. cliches:陈词滥调、套话。

10. carpe diem:size the day(拉)及时行乐,这里指珍惜大好时光。

11. brutally:残酷的、不中听的。

12. Social Security Check:社会保险支票。(美国的)社会保障制度(1935年美国政府通过“社会保障条例”,据此对老年人或残疾人员,以及贫苦儿童、失业工人给予最低额救济金)。Social Security Number:社会保险号码。

13. be itching to:渴望去做。 to flirt with:调情、卖俏。 school's-almost-out:全校倾巢而出。我想一定会有一个盼望已久的毕业纪念日野餐,一个女孩或许正和她的男朋友在会场里调笑、可能自始至终我一边演讲,台下的学生们满脑子装的却都是全校外出日的美梦。

14. ramble on: 漫谈,文中指唠叨个没完。


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