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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Tomatoes:抗癌美容,西红柿正红

Take Two Tomatoes, and Call Me in the Morning
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/20 06:10  空中美语



  In health circles, tomatoes are the new "in" thing. Recent discoveries reported in magazines such as Time indicate that this fruit contains powerful disease-fighting antioxidants. We now know tomatoes not only reduce the risk of certain cancers, but can improve your vision, skin, and brain.

  The tomato's reputation has not always been this rosy: Until the 1800s, most Americans considered tomatoes poisonous. People would avoid eating tomatoes, or boil them for hours to destroy the "toxins" they believed were lurking inside. We now know better: Tomatoes are full of things that are good for us.

  Though tomatoes are delicious and nutritious raw, experts suggest that cooking them and adding oil will actually increase the effects of their antioxidants. The important thing is to get enough: Five servings of tomato-based foods a week are recommended. Luckily, with foods such as pizza and spaghetti to choose from, tomatoes are a natural and simple prescription for better health!






  More Information

  1. antioxidant n.抗氧化剂

  2. toxin n.毒素

  3. serving n.上菜

  4. tomato-based adj.以西红柿为主材料制成的

  Language Focus

  Pattern A

  People would avoid eating tomatoes, or boil them for hours to destroy the "toxins" they believed were lurking inside.


  resist + V-ing



  解析:一些动词的后面只能接动名词作宾语。常见的这类动词还有:admit, appreciate, deny, delay, dislike, escape, finish, imagine, mind, miss, postpone, practice, quit等。

  例1:Sonia imagined walkingsintosthe office and shouting furiously at David.


  例2:You must avoid making the same mistakes.




  1. the witch / imagine / see / evil spirits / lurk / everywhere


  2. we / appreciate / have / new talented designers / fashion circles


  Language Focus_答案:

  1. The witch imagined seeing evil spirits lurking everywhere.

  2. We appreciateshavingsnew talented designers in Taipei fashion circles.


  The latest discoveries in health and science show that the tomato is a very healthy food. __(1)__ thought to contain no nutrition, and even rumored to be poisonous, tomatoes are now popular because they contain high levels of antioxidants. __(2)__ tomatoes in your diet can help improve your __(3)__, and lower your chances of getting certain kinds of cancers.Experts say that to benefit __(4)__ the antioxidants in tomatoes, you should eat at least five servings of tomato-based foods each week. Because cooking tomatoes increases their __(5)__ effects, pizza and spaghetti, which __(6)__ cooked tomatoes, are good choices.

  1. (A) Because (B) Yet (C) Once (D) Despite

  2. (A) Included (B) Including (C) Include (D) Inclusive of

  3. (A) look (B) seeing (C) eye (D) vision

  4. (A) for (B) to (C) with (D) from

  5. (A) disease-fought (B) fighting-disease (C) disease-fighting (D) fought-disease

  6. (A) contain (B) consist (C) compose (D) conclude


  1. C→(A) because表“原因”,在分词从句中必须省略。而且在此文意不符。

  (B) yet作并列连词时不可置于句首。

  (C)原句为:Although tomatoes were once thought to ...改成分词从句就变成:Thought to ...。once在此处为副词,作“曾经;一度”讲。

  (D)介词despite = in spite of,后面接名词或动名词。

  2. B→本题应填一个主语,(B) Including为动名词可充当句子的主语,故为正确答案。

  3. D→(A) look (n.)“脸色;外表”

  (B) seeing (conj.)“由于;既然”

  (C) eye (n.)“眼睛”

  (D) vision (n.)“视力”



  4. D→(D) benefit from“从…获益”。

  5. C→(C)本空格disease-fighting effects是从形容词从句effects which fight disease简化而来。

  6. A→(A) contain (v.)“含有”某一物质。

  (B) consist of“由…组成”,后面应接几种材料。

  (C) be composed of“由…组成”,后面应接组成的成分。

  (D) conclude (v.)“完成”,与文意不符。

空中美语 专栏
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1. circle
n. a particular group of people or things圈子;界
Paul was well-known in fashion circles.

2. rosy
adj. positive; hopeful美好的;玫瑰红色的
Her outlook on life isn’t rosy: she always thinks the worst will happen.

3. poisonous
adj. harmful if eaten有毒的
Don’t eat wild plants that grow in the forest; they may be poisonous.

4. lurk v. to wait in hiding in order to do harm or mischief潜伏
John was a nervous man and felt that danger lurked everywhere.

5. nutritious
adj. healthy; containing elements essential for life营养的
Vegetables are both nutritious and delicious.

6. prescription
n. a particular medicine or treatment (ordered by the doctor)处方
The doctor gave him a prescription for painkillers.


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