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    ҳ > ˽ > Ӣ︨ר > ѧӢ︨dz̸as/so long as÷

    ѧӢ︨dz̸as/so long as÷
    http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/30 13:21  Ӣ︨

    ڽas long asso long as÷ʱ,˵ǿԻ.ʵ,as long asso long asӴʱ,¼Ҫע.

    һڱʾduring the whole time that(֮)while(ֻҪ)ĺʱ,as long as:

    1. They all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. DZڹ.

    2. For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. ںļ,Ӽ˳Լ˵ͬһ򵥶Ȼ.

    3. As long as there is life there is hope. ,ûϣ.

    ڱʾon condition that, provided thatif(ֻҪ,)ĺʱ,as long asso long asܳ:

    1. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock. Գȥ,ֻҪӦ11ǰ.

    2. I'll accept any job as / so long as I don't have to get up early. ֻҪ,κιҶԽ.

    3. So / As long as electric current flows through a wire, there is a potential difference. ֻҪеͨ,߾еλ.

    4. These stories reinforced the idea that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy so / as long as they were hardworking. Щǿһ˼,Ǿ,,ж,ֻҪ,ܱ主.

    ڱʾsince, considering that(Ȼ,Ϊ)ĺʱ,as long as:

    1. As long as we've driven this far, we might as well go on. ǼȻѾʻôԶ,Ͳǰ.

    2. As long as you are here, go on. ȻѾ,͸ɰ.

    3. As long as you are going, I'll go too. ȻҪȥ,ôҲȥ.

    ġʱ,as / so long asif onlyͬ,״־ɲʹ,ʾ˵˵ϣԸźȡ:

    -It's said it's going to turn colder and freeze later on. ˵ЩʱҪ,б.

    -As long as it doesn't spoil the weekend. (=I hope that it doesn't spoil the weekend.) ֻҪĩŪ˾û.

    塢as / so long asӵĴӾ,νΪbe,ͬʱ,Ӿbeʡԡ:

    I'm sure we are safe as long as(we are) in his care. ֻҪı,Ǿͻƽ.


    Directions: Choose the one from A) , B) and C) that can take the place of the conjunction "as / so long as" in each of the following sentences.

    1. As long as you feed him, he would be cooperative.

    A) Because B) If

    C) Considering that

    2. This means he can keep the policy in force as long as he lives.

    A) since B) while C) because

    3. As long as you're here, we might as well talk about your last game.

    A) Considering that B) Provided that

    C) During the whole time that

    4. They have been there as long as anyone can remember.

    A) during the whole time that

    B) on condition that

    C) if only

    5. As long as you are going to town anyway, you can do something for me.

    A) While B) If C) Since

    6. So long as he works hard, I don't mind when he finishes the experiment.

    A) On condition that

    B) Considering that

    C) Only if

    7. He will surely finish the job on time so long as he's left to do it in his own way.

    A) now that

    B) since

    C) provided that

    8. I will fight for the cause of communism as long as I live.

    A) if only B) while C) because

    : 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B


    Ӣѧϰ̳ Сӡر


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