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口语之窗:Giving directions(指路)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/30 13:15  英语辅导报


  I. Useful Expressions

  1. -Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema? 对不起,请问到电影院怎么走?

   -Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing. 沿着这条街往前走,在第一个十字路口右拐。

  2. -Excuse me, would you mind telling me where the nearest bank is? 对不起,您介意告诉我最近的银行在哪儿吗?

  -Not at all. Follow this road until you come to a book-store. 一点儿也不介意。顺着这条路一直走到书店处。

  3. -Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? 对不起, 请问去邮局怎么走?

   -Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a bank, turn left. It's opposite the bank. 往这条路走约十分钟。当你看到银行时左转弯。它就在银行对面。

  4. -Excuse me, is this the right way to the park? 对不起,去公园是不是走这条路?

  -I'm afraid you're going in the opposite direction. 恐怕你方向走反了。

  5. -Excuse me, which way is to the Bank of China? 对不起, 请问去中国银行走哪条路?

  -Take bus No. 92, and get off at the next stop. 坐92路公共汽车,到下一站下车。

  6. -I'm a stranger here. Would you please tell me how to get to this address? 我对这儿人生地疏。请问


  -I'm sorry, I'm new around here, too. I saw a policeman standing under the traffic lights. He will be able to help you. 对不起,这儿我也不熟悉。我刚才看到交通灯下有个警察,他会帮助你的。

  7. -Excuse me, which bus goes to the World Park? 对不起,请问哪一班公共汽车到世界公园?

   -Take No. 4 bus to Peace Road and change there to No. 8 bus. 坐4路公共汽车到和平路,然后在那儿换乘8路车。

  8. -Could you direct me to the post office? 你能指给我去邮局的路吗?

   -It's about two stoplights from here. The best way to get there is to take a bus. 距离这里大约有两个交通灯的路程。去那儿最佳的方式是坐公共汽车。

  9. -How far is it from here to your school? 从这儿到你的学校有多远?

  -It's about two miles away. 大约两英里远。

  10.-Which direction is the nearest bank? 最近的银行在哪个方向?

  -It's in the direction of south. It's about five minutes' walk from here. 在南面。从这儿步行约五分钟。

  II. Cultural Information

  Americans are very direct people. When they want something, they will say "Yes" and when they don't, they will say "No". If you asked an American standing at the edge of a road how far the next town was, the American would say, "You have a long way to go yet. It is at least 24 miles more." The traveller might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect, and there would be no misunderstanding. But in some countries, because the man realized the traveller was tired and eager to reach the next town, he would politely say, "Just down the road." He thought this was more encouraging, gentler.

  (文/衡爱明;英语辅导报高中一年级版 03~04学年第43期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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