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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 人物篇:不朽的传奇--猫王Elvis(1)

Legends of the King
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/04 10:14  空中美语



  Elvis lives. At least he does today, in the hearts of tens of thousands showing their tender love for the King on the 25th anniversary of his death. Refusing to let go of fond memories, fans are once again flocking to Graceland, Elvis—white-columned Memphis mansion. This annual event is informally known as "Dead Elvis Week," an almost religious pilgrimage that marks the anniversary of Elvis' death on Aug. 16, 1977.

  Feeling like a cross between an Easter vigil and Mardi Gras, the week of mourning is hardly a somber affair. In fact, it includes all kinds of parties, concerts, and memorials. The highlight, however, is a candlelight vigil involving more than 10,000 fans from all over the world. In twos and threes, they walk up to the small poolside garden where Elvis is buried. The King of Rock 'n'Roll may be dead, but for these devotees, he is never truly gone.




  More Information仅供参考,不须强记

  1. white-columned adj.白色圆柱的

  2. pilgrimage n.朝圣之旅

  3. cross (between A and B) n. (A和B的)混合物;混血儿

  4. Mardi Gras n. "四月斋前夕",2月到3月间举行

  5. candlelight vigil n.烛光守夜

空中美语 专栏
中西文化差异篇:注意保持距离啦!(2002/09/03/ 13:39)
Kill time/消磨时间(2002/09/03/ 09:41)
take in/观赏(2002/09/02/ 15:15)
care about/在乎,关心(2002/09/02/ 10:54)
星星知我心:像狮子一样骄傲(1)(2002/09/02/ 10:36)
white lie/善意的谎言(2002/08/30/ 13:27)


1. tender
adj. gentle and caring温柔的
The mother gave her baby a tender kiss.

2. let go (of sb./sth.)
idiom to stop holding (sb./sth.)放开;松开
Eddie let go of his dream to be a rock star, and focused on schoolwork instead.

3. informally
adv. unofficially; on a casual basis非正式地
At the office party, the boss spoke informally with the staff.

4. somber
adj. sad and serious阴沉的
It was a fun movie, but the ending was rather somber.

5. highlight n. the most interesting or exciting part精华;最精彩的部分
For me, the highlight of the book was when the two main characters got married.

6. in twos and threes
idiom in groups of two or three三三两两
To practice English conversation, the teacher had the students sit in twos and threes.


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