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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/16 13:48  《英语学习》

  We all know better than to indulge in office gossip, but we also know how hard it is to hold ourselves back from this devilish delight.<注1> Fortunately, you don’t have to swear off this delicious vice<注2>—if you learn how to do it right.The word“gossip”itself has long had bad press<注3>. Says Rohani Mahmud, a recruitment consultant with Drake Personnel:“It has a lot of negative connotations, but take away the malice and viciousness, and what you have is an exchange of information between people.”<注4>

  In reality gossip is a way people network<注5> or bond with each other. Psychologists also claim that gossiping can be good for you.

  Early this year an article in an Australian daily The Courier Mail said gossip can relieve tension and boost morale<注6>in the workplace. Idle chatters often make staff feel better about their job and colleagues, especially in organisations undergoing change or upheaval<注7>.

  Gossip in the office does not centre so much around personal<注8> stuff, but rather on who gets hired, fired or promoted! The trick<注9> about gossiping is knowing the difference between bad and good gossip. Bad gossip slanders<注10> and hurts people while good gossip can go far in helping your career.

  Pick on the right information and use it to your advantage —you’ll be a savvy<注11> player and will soon be on your way up the corporate ladder. We give you the master tricks of the trade.

  Master trick #1:

  Building your network

  Let’s face it: truly valuable gossip does not just fall in to your lap. To get the latest buzz<注12>, you have to improve your visibility by networking within your industry. Get to know who to lunch and have tea breaks with.

  Most importantly, make time to network with the right people. Start attending company functions, conferences, conventions and wherever that lets you schmooze with folks that matter. <注13>

  According to Ken Lloyd, author of Jerks at Work, start watching and listening to people around you to determine the ones you should meet. Exchange name cards and keep in touch through email.

  When you do interact with your contacts again, ask questions:“So, what’s new at your office?”or“Any exciting changes recently?”

  Do also pass along updates that your contact might find valuable to establish a give-and-take relationship. <注14>

  Be patient and you’ll be wired into the loop in due time. <注15>

  Master trick #2:

  Play it to your advantage

  Once you’ve gotten hold of some juicy<注16> information, use it to your advantage. Make a point of letting your boss in on information that she or he needs to know —industry happenings, mergers and new hires. <注17> Even if the boss already knows, it’ll show that you’re connected and on the ball<注18>.

  Experts say that you can’t lose if you bring information to your boss. According to Ronna Lichtenberg, author of Work Would Be Great If It Weren’t For The People, the best thing that you can do on your job is to help your boss win. If your boss regards you as well-informed, chances are you’ll be taken up the ladder when she or he goes places<注19>.

  Master trick #3 :

  Solutions are always welcomed

  If you hear a lot of complaining in your department, don’t run to your boss and be a tattletale<注20>. Instead, develop a game plan to solve the problem-and take your ideas to the top. <注21>

  Angeline Fernandez, 24, an administrator, managed to solve a major problem on the job by keeping her ears close to the grapevine<注22>.“Day in, day out, I heard colleagues bitching about the new girl in accounts who was sloppy in her work,”<注23> she says.“I didn’t want to tell on<注24> her so I casually mentioned to my boss that her work wasn’t the best and that we would be better off putting her in customer service where we would be taking advantage of her great people skills.”Ms Angeline’s boss was impressed with her take-charge<注25> attitude, and when things began to run smoothly, she rewarded her with a promotion.

  Be sharp, energised and focused on solutions, not problems. Even if your suggestions are not accepted, at least your boss knows that you’re constantly working to improve things to make her/his job easier. Before you know it, you’ll be the trusted right-hand<注26> person.

  Master trick #4:

  Time to seal your lips

  No matter how much you thrive on gossip, there’s some that would be better kept to yourself —like the secretary who’s sleeping with her boss or a colleague with alternative sexual preferences. Personal gossip can be more deadly and damaging than you think. It could also affect your own career.

《英语学习》2002年8期 专题
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1.谁都明白不应该在办公室随意说长道短,可我们也很清楚要抗拒这种不道德的乐趣是多么的困难。know better than:明事理而不至于。

2. swear off: <口>放弃;vice:恶习。

3. have a bad press:原意是“受到新闻舆论的苛评”,这里可理解为“口碑不好”。


5. network: v.与人交流。

6. morale:士气,精神面貌。

7. upheaval:剧变,动乱。

8. personal:涉及隐私的。

9. trick:技巧,窍门。

10. slander:诽谤,诋毁。

11. savvy:聪慧的,有经验的。

12. buzz:流言,传闻。




16. juicy:包含有令人震惊的信息的。

17.一定要注意你跟上司说的正是他/她需要知道的消息——业内最新动态、企业间的合并、新雇员的聘用等等。make a point of doing:特别注意。

18. on the ball:有心的,留心着。

19. go places:离开(工作岗位)。

20. tattletale:告密者,搬弄是非的人。

21.而是制定一个问题的解决对策,并将它反映到你的上司那儿去。game plan:行动计划,对策。

22. grapevine:谣言、消息等暗中传播的途径。

23.每天我都听到同事们抱怨财务部新来的那个女孩做事马马虎虎。day in, day out:每天(不间断地)。

24. tell on:告发。

25. take-charge:负责任的。

26. right-hand:最得力的。


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