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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Hopeful of Finding AIDS Vaccine

Hopeful of Finding AIDS Vaccine
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/16 15:33  空中美语

  African scientists' hopes of developing an AIDS vaccine within 10 years are realistic, according to South African Medical Research chairman, Malegapuru Makgoba. Speaking in June at the first meeting of the African AIDS Vaccine Program, Makgoba told reporters, "There is light now in the dark continent." However, the collective of 45 African scientists first need to raise US million for further vaccine trials.

空中美语 专栏
hold on to/紧抓住(配语音)(2002/09/16/ 11:41)
slave driver/严厉的人(2002/09/16/ 10:42)
by no means/决不(配语音)(2002/09/16/ 10:41)
Climbing:巅峰极限,可能的任务(2002/09/16/ 10:11)
to be a breeze/轻而易举的(配语音)(2002/09/13/ 15:12)
do sb. good /对人有好处(配语音)(2002/09/13/ 13:18)



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