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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > not to put it past one/相信某人会

not to put it past one/相信某人会
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/20 10:29  空中美语

  俚语:not to put it past one/相信某人会…

  定义:consider someone capable of doing something discreditable认为某人会做令人怀疑的事

  例句:She said she wouldn't put it past him to cheat on the exam.她说她相信他在考试时作弊。

空中美语 专栏
up to sb/由某人来定(配语音讲解)(2002/09/19/ 11:16)
catch on/理解(2002/09/19/ 09:23)
soon after/不久之后(配语音讲解)(2002/09/18/ 11:35)
pay attention/注意(2002/09/18/ 10:35)
Hey Felix, You're Up/惊奇上天堂(2002/09/18/ 10:31)
He’sshavingsa hell of a time(2002/09/17/ 15:13)



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