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United States Ponders Fingerprinting Visa Holders
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/20 13:54  空中美语

  The U.S. Justice Department proposed in June the routine fingerprinting of all Muslim and Middle Eastern U.S.-visa holders. The initiative, which would require more than 100,000 foreigners to register with the government, sparked fierce debate. Civil-liberties and Arab-American groups expressed outrage at what they say is a blatant example of ethnic and racial profiling. The suggested move would be another step in the United States?so-called "war on terror.?

空中美语 专栏
威廉·布莱克诗歌:一粒沙中看世界(2002/09/20/ 10:41)
not to put it past one/相信某人会(2002/09/20/ 10:29)
up to sb/由某人来定(配语音讲解)(2002/09/19/ 11:16)
catch on/理解(2002/09/19/ 09:23)
soon after/不久之后(配语音讲解)(2002/09/18/ 11:35)
pay attention/注意(2002/09/18/ 10:35)



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