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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 中国周刊(2002年5月号) > Painter-Qi Youchang

Painter-Qi Youchang
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/11 14:37  中国周刊

  Qi Youchang was born in November 1948 in Shandong. He fell in love with painting when he was only a child. His art works range from landscapes to figure painting. He has successfully held an exhibition in the China Art Gallery in February of 1998.

  In 2000, he was invited to sketch for the Capital Museum and his works have been enteredsintosthe books of the Capital Museum. In 2001, Qi Youchang began his journey tracing the steps of famous explorer Rabban Sauma. Along the journey he has made a lot of sketches to recount his splendid trip. And the most famous of his works, King Grape Tree, was made during this exploration.

中国周刊(2002年5月号) 专题
Cyclone Maker(2002/10/11/ 14:22)
Artist talks Environmental Protection(2002/10/11/ 14:02)
Urbanization and sustainable development(2002/10/11/ 13:59)
Gardens and Architecture(2002/10/09/ 16:51)
Chinese Religious Folk Art(2002/10/09/ 16:26)



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