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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 无知不是借口 别再扮“抄”人了!

What's New, Copycat?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/06 13:24  空中美语




  Suppose you write an interesting and original story for your school magazine. Some time later, you discover that someone has taken your story and published it in another magazine, pretending that they are the real author. Would you be angry, pleased, or a mixture of both?

  As the old saying goes, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." But while flattery may be acceptable, copying someone else's work and passing it off as your own is dishonest. Everyone knows it goes on, yet plagiarism is a growing problem in schools and universities, made all the more tempting by information available just a click away on the Internet. No wonder Web sites selling term papers are doing a brisk trade!

  Many copycats are unaware of the seriousness of their crime. But ignorance is no excuse. Sadly, they only discover the gravity of their actions when they receive a zero grade on an important term paper or get kicked out of school.

无知不是借口 别再扮“抄”人了!




  More Information

  1. plagiarism n.剽窃;抄袭

  2. brisk adj.交易热络的;生意兴隆的

  3. gravity n.严重性

空中美语 专栏
Not be keen about/对…不热衷(2002/11/06/ 09:50)
诗歌欣赏 冬天的星期日(罗伯特-海顿)(2002/11/05/ 13:28)
Put in an appearance/出席(2002/11/05/ 09:45)
谁建造了巨石群?失落的大陆复活节岛(2002/11/04/ 13:45)
Big shot/大人物(2002/11/04/ 11:08)
峡谷漂流 随波逐流非易事!(2002/11/01/ 13:45)


1. original

adj. independent and creative in thought or action 原创的
Picasso was regarded as one of the most original artists of the 20th century.

2. pretend

v. to give a false appearance 假装
The robbers entered people's homes by pretending to be building inspectors.

3. flattery

n. praise given esp. in order to obtain sth. from sb. 恭维
Sheila was too clever to believe Ted's flattery.

4. pass off

v. phr. to give a false identity to (sb./sth.) 佯装;冒充
Phillip tried to pass himself off as a journalist to get inside the football stadium.


adj. appealing 诱人的
Monica has received a tempting offer to work for another company.

6. ignorance

n. the lack of knowledge or information 无知
Alfred's ignorance of Japanese culture caused him problems in Japan.


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