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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 太傻留学英语 > 雅思考试面试第三阶迷你表达法

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/07 10:19  太傻网


  Within this section, you are expected to be quite familiar with the use of"question words", i.e. wh-words, like Who, What, Where, When/ What time, Which, How, How many/much, How often, How long, How far, etc.

  What the candidate should do:

  Make sure you totally understand the role you play and the situation before you begin asking any questions.

  Divide the role-play upsintosthree parts: setting the scene; asking questions; goodbye and thank you.

  Set up the role-play by first explaining who you are and what you want.

  Ask as many questions as you can to find out everything about the situation at least 6-7 questions, if possible.

  What the candidate should not do:

  Do not pretend you understand the situation or your role

  if you do not really know what to do. Just ask the examiner to tell you again.

  Do not ask questions from the topics on the card before you have set up the role-play. Try to make it sound like a natural conversation.

  Do not simply take the topic words from the cards to form questions. They are headings only, and will not always help you to form natural questions.

  Do not ask personal questions of the examiner unless you are specifically required to do so.

太傻留学英语 专题
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