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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2002年10期 > 关注盲人的生活

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/13 11:42  《英语学习》


  Q: What is the White Cane(白手杖,盲人用的明杖)Law?

  A: In the United States, each state has a law that says blind people using canes or dogs have the same rights of public access as the sighted. This means that blind people can take their canes and dogssintospublic buildings, offices, businesses, restaurants, theaters, roller skating arenas(溜冰场), bowling alleys(保龄球场), amusement parks(公共露天游乐场), on buses, trains, planes and other public places. These laws were established from the work of the US National Federation of the Blind to make sure that blind people have the same rights as everyone else.

  Q: Why do some blind people use dogs and others use canes?

  A: It is simply a matter of personal choice. Some blind people like using canes better, and some enjoy using dogs. No matter what you choose, the most important thing is that blind people are able to go wherever they want, whenever they want, independently.

  Q: Should I help a blind person across the street?

  A: If a blind person asks for help, then you may certainly help. You can ask if any help is needed, but understand that the answer may be "no." Blind people, if they have learned to use a cane or dog and travel independently, may not need help. It is important not to grab someone who is blind. If a blind person wants help, he or she may take your arm, or simply walk beside you. Some blind persons may have a harder time hearing the cars and traffic, especially if there is construction(建筑物)or a lot of noise around the area. Then they might want help that they might not need at other times.

  Q: Should I help a blind person to a chair?

  A: The same rules apply here. Some blind people will appreciate help in locating a chair, but some can find chairs, tables, and desks on their own. Sometimes a blind person may askswheresthe chairs or tables are, then go to them on his or her own.

  Q: What causes blindness?

  A: There are many things which cause blindness. Sometimes babies are born blind, but most blind people become blind later on. Glaucoma(青光眼), cataracts(白内障), and diabetic retinopathy(糖尿病性视网膜病变)are the three most common causes of blindness today. Many older persons lose their vision from macular degeneration (老年性黄斑变性). Some people become blind through accidents.

  Q: Will I learn more about blindness if I close my eyes or wear a blindfold(眼罩)?

  A: No, it is not a good idea to try to pretend to be blind. As a matter of fact, you could get just the opposite impression of what it is like to be blind. You might have a hard time finding things, you might bump into(撞击)things, you might knock something over, or you might hurt yourself. You might feel frightened, frustrated(挫败的,失望的)or confused; then you might think this is what it is like for blind people. But it is not like that. Blind people(depending on how long they've been blind)have training and experience that you do not have. It is easier for the blind people than it would be for you. If you want to learn more about blindness, instead of pretending to be blind, you might want to ask a blind person to talk with you.

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