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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2002年10期 > The Bottom Line

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/25 13:26  《英语学习》

  Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has—Og Mandino

  There was a man who loved fine art<注2>. He loved it so much he lived for it. It had become his whole life, and had literally engulfed him.<注3> He would work really hard to save up some money, just so he could buy another piece of fine art. He would buy Rembrandt's and Picasso's and many others works of fine art.<注4>

  The man had been widowed<注5> some years before but he had a son. As he raised his son, he included him in his hobby of collecting art. As his son grew, he also became a great art collector. His dad was very proud of him. Collecting fine art was something that they both loved to do and it brought them very close together.

  Some time passed by and their country suddenly became engulfed in a war<注6>. The son, like so many other young men, enlisted<注7> and went off to serve his country. He had been gone for some time, and then it happened.

  One day the father received a letter. It said, we regret to inform you that your son is missing in action<注8>. The father's heart was broken. He loved his son so dearly and now he truly realized how much his son meant to him. It hurt so badly not knowing what had happened to him.

  A few weeks passed, and then another letter came. This letter just ripped his heart in two.<注9> It said, we regret to inform you that your son has been killed in action. The father could hardly bear to<注10> read on, but as he did he discovered the circumstances that his son had died under. The letter said that his son had made it<注11> back to safety. But that he had seen wounded soldiers out on the battlefield. And one by one, he would go back onto the battlefield and carry them to safety. As he was carrying in the last wounded soldier, a bullet struck him and killed him.

  A month passed by and it was now Christmas Day. The father didn't even want to get up out of bed. He just couldn't imagine spending Christmas without his son. Then he heard the doorbell ring so he went downstairs to see who was there. When he opened the door he found a young man standing there holding a package.

  The young man said, "Sir, you don't know me. But I was the wounded soldier that your son was carrying when he was killed."

  He said, "I'm not a wealthy man. I don't have anything of value that I can give you for what your son did for me. Your son had told me of your love for art, and although I'm not much of an artist<注12>, I painted a portrait of your son, and I'd like for you to have it."

  The father took the packagesintosthe house and opened it. Then he wentsintosthe drawing room and took down the Rembrandt that was hanging over the fireplace. In its place he hung up the portrait of his son.

  Then with tears streaming<注13> down on his face he told the young man, "This is my most prized possession.<注14> It is more valuable to me than any other work of art in my house."

  The father and the young man shared a meal and Christmas Day together and then the young man left. A few years later, the father became very ill. A short time later he died. News of his death spread far and wide<注15>. Everyone was in anticipation of the great auction that was to take place for all the pieces of art the man had collected.<注16>

  Finally it was announced that the auction would be held on Christmas Day. Museum curators<注17>and collectors came from all around the world.

  They were all eager for the chance to bid<注18> on the fine art that was to be auctioned.

  The house swelled<注19> full of people. Then the auctioneer<注20>stood up and said, "I'd like to thank you all for coming. The first piece up for auction will be the portrait behind me."

  From the back of the room someone yelled out<注21>, "That's just a picture of the old man's kid! Why don't we just skip it, and get on to<注22> the real treasures?"

  The auctioneer said, "We have to sell this portrait first, and then we can move on."

  The auctioneer asked, "Who would start the bidding at ?" No one answered so he asked, "Would anyone bid ?"

  Still no one answered so he asked, "Would any one bid ?" Again no one would bid on the portrait. So the auctioneer asked, "Will nobody bid on this portrait?"

  An elderly man stood up and asked, "Would you take for it? You see is all that I have. I'm the neighbor from across the street and I knew the boy. I watched him grow up and I really liked him. I'd like to have the portrait. So, would you take for it?" The auctioneer said, " going once, going twice, and sold!" Immediately a cheer went up and the people said to each other,

  "Oh boy, now we can get on to the real art."

  The auctioneer then said, "I'd like to thank you all for coming. It's been a pleasureshavingsyou here today. That concludes<注23> our auction today."

  The crowd grew very angry and asked, "What do you mean the auction is over? You haven't even begun to take bids on all these other works of art!"

  The auctioneer said, "I'm sorry but the auction is closed. You see, according to the will of the father, WHOEVER TAKES THE SON GETS IT ALL!!! And that's the bottom line."

《英语学习》2002年10期 专题
飞行(2002/11/21/ 11:04)
全美说话最贵的女性(2002/11/19/ 13:08)
总统儿子被捕之后(2002/11/18/ 12:04)
《雷雨》选段(2002/11/15/ 13:15)
教与学:The Art of Public Speaking(2002/11/14/ 13:27)


1. bottom line:价格底线,最低价。

2. fine art:美术作品。


4. Rembrandt:伦勃朗,荷兰画家;Picasso:毕加索,西班牙画家、雕刻家。

5. be widowed:丧偶。

6. become engulfed in a war:卷入战争。

7. enlist:从军,入伍。

8. in action:在战斗中。


10. bear to do sth.:忍受做……(一般用于否定句或疑问句)。

11. make it: <口>成功,做到。

12. much of a(n): <口>了不起的,十分好的(通常用于否定句或疑问句中)。

13. stream:(眼泪)流,淌。


15. far and wide:广泛地。


17. curator: (博物馆)馆长。

18. bid:出价,投标。

19. swell:被充满。

20. auctioneer:拍卖师。

21. yell out:大声叫喊。

22. get on to:转入(另一活动)。这里指“跳过男孩的画像,直接进入名画拍卖”。

23. conclude:结束。


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