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King for a Day Leader for a Lifetime
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/21 13:08  空中美语




  The third Monday of January is a day on which America reflects on its past, prays for its future, and remembers the achievements of Martin Luther King Jr. Born on January 15, 1929, King was the man who led the black American struggle for equal rights in the 1950s and 60s.

  King grew up in the American south, brought up by a deeply religious family. He studied theology in school and, while still a college student, became fascinated with Mahatma Ghandi's philosophy of passive resistance. King's religious beliefs, paired with Ghandi's teachings, would later become the cornerstones of his strategy for bringing about changes for blacks in America.

  In 1954, King earned his PhD from Boston University and moved to Montgomery, Alabama,swhereshe accepted a job as pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. Little did he know that this sleepy Alabama city would soon erupt in civil disobedience and marches-and that he would lead them.

  More Information  仅供参考,不须强记

  1. theology n.神学

  2. cornerstone n.奠基石;基础

  3. pastor n.牧师

  4. disobedience n.不服从;违抗





空中美语 专栏
缅怀马丁-路德-金先生(下)(2003/01/23/ 13:01)
She did it after a fashion(2003/01/23/ 09:48)
Palm off...on/以废品欺骗(2003/01/23/ 09:46)
It cramped her style(2003/01/22/ 09:57)
Throw one out/逐出(附语音讲解)(2003/01/22/ 09:55)
Have you seen the light(2003/01/21/ 09:49)


1. bring sb. up

v. phr. to raise a child 养育;培养
The Harris family moved to the country because they didn't want to bring their children up in the city.

2. fascinate

v. to interest deeply 使着迷
As a boy Marshall was fascinated by cars, so it's no surprise that he is now a race car driver.

3. passive

adj. marked by inaction 消极的;顺从的
Instead of arguing with his friend, Mark took a passive approach and refused to speak to him.

4. strategy

n. plan for achieving a goal 策略
The army generals discussed their strategy for taking control of the territory.

5. bring about

v. phr. to cause 导致;引起
The Industrial Revolution brought about the migration of thousands of people to Europe's cities from the countryside.

6. erupt

v. to break out; to explode 突然发生;爆发
When the verdict was announced, the courtroom erupted in angry shouting.


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