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The Lies of Adults
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/22 13:00  《英语学习》





  很爱看:love watching...比like watching...very much简洁。

  中央电视台的……节目:“中央电视台的”不必译成of CCTV,也不必译成CCTV's,英语里惯用的表达方式是CCTV programme。“实话实说”:这个节目的英文名字是Tell It Like It Is,但与“谎言”对照的“实话”只能是truth,因此这里译成To Speak the Truth。

  名字就好:这句话的含意是‘且不说别的,这个节目有个好名字’,因此译文除了it has a very good name外,前面还要加上Among other things。


  多不容易:What a difficult thing it is / How difficult it is...!

  “实话实说”有一次话题:英语忌讳重复,这里的“实话实说”指电视节目,最好译成in the programme。“有一次话题”的意思是“讨论过的话题之一”,即One of the topics discussed。


  不过针对的是:从上下文来看,这里按“确切地说”(to be exact)理解更准确。

  嘉宾中:“嘉宾”的“嘉”和“贵宾”的“贵”常没有什么实在的意思,只是起凑足两个音节的作用,因此译成the guests即可。

  在……家庭进行调查:也就是“调查了……家庭”(conducted a survey of...families)。社会调查或普查性质的调查是survey,追根究底性质的调查是investigation。

  年龄增长:As they grew older比As their age increased自然。

  孩子:这里指孩子的数目,因此英文得说the number of children。

  上升到:reach或rise to。

  随着年龄成正比:这里的意思是“与年龄成正比增加”(increase in direct proportion to age)。


  给人的感觉:这句话“人”是间接宾语,英文却习惯说one got the feeling that,以one作为主语。

  后者:这里如果译成字面上对应的the latter,则指代的是前面的Or do people suddenly all become honest when they reach a certain age?这是问题而不是答案,因此得译成a "yes" answer to the second question。

  好像:It was as if。

  被问到或自己谈到:直译were asked or they themselves talked about很别扭,不如多费点笔墨,译成were asked whether they had ever lied or when they themselves talked about it。

  有无撒谎的经历:也就是“是否撒过谎”(whether they had ever lied)。



  一个……一个……一个:One of them... another... and the third...。汉语在列举两三个同类事物时,惯用同一个指代词,不区分序列;英文则通常区分序列。

  在小时候:即“在童年”(in their childhood)。

  13到14岁:at the age of 13 or 14或between the age of 13 and 14。

  解放:过去通常译成liberation,英语国家更常用的是the Chinese revolution。

  前夕:on the eve of...或just before...。


  长大成人:grew up。“成人”也是冗余信息。

  就再也没有说过谎吗?:如果着眼点是童年之后(after childhood),这句话得译成过去时;如果着眼点是成年以来(since adulthood),则可以译成现在完成时。

  真的是这样吗?:这里的意思实际就是“真的吗?”(Did they really?或Have they really?),不必拘泥于“是这样”这三个字。

  利害:advantages and disadvantages“好处和坏处”或gains and losses“得与失”。

  总是为:意思是“动机总是”always motivated by...。

  趋利:这里的“趋”可以理解为gain/seek“谋取”。由于谈的是动机,所以最好说the need / desire to gain advantages。

  作甚?:为什么?译文why bother...?含有“费心”的意思。

  而人在幼小之时:如果译成时间状语When people are very young,那么主句的主语they复指的是people;不如译成话题As for young children,这样they复指的是young children。

  不明:也就是“意识不到”(unaware of)。

  因此:这里应当理解为“因为同一个原因”(For the same reason),而不应该按照字面意思译成therefore。

  对……深信不疑:也就是“拿大人的话当真”(take the words of adults very seriously)。

  乘火车:即“在火车上”(on a train)。

  对座是……:即“……坐在我对面”(sat facing / opposite me)。

  长途苦旅:意思是“为了破除长途旅行的单调”(to relieve the monotony of the long journey)。



  小施手技:即“耍了一个小把戏”(played a small trick)。


  你吹口气:汉语祈使句带主语的情况比较普遍,英语通常不带,译成Just blow即可。

  朝我的手:英语是on my hand。

  不一会儿:In an instant / Within seconds。

  瞪大眼睛:英文表示吃惊,说with his eyes popping(眼睛都要瞪出来了)。这里不能译成with his eyes (wide) open。



  不由分说地:这里的意思是“不容我解释”(before I was able to explain)。

  远远地:即“扔向远方”(into the distance)。




  紧紧按住:pressed my hand firmly on it。

  无世故之心:即“不世故”(being not worldly-wise)。

  无机变之巧:即“不会玩聪明把戏”(unable to play clever tricks)。

  能:这里的“能”指“有能力”(is capable of),不应译成表示可能的can。


  I love watching the CCTV programme "To speak the Truth". Among other things, it has a very good name. What a difficult thing it is to speak the truth! The opposite of truth is lie. One of the topics discussed in the programme was lies, the lies of children, to be exact.

  Among the guests on that occasion was a professor from a psychology institute. He said that they had conducted a survey of 430 families in 13 cities of seven provinces from 1991 to 1994 and discovered that 52% of the children began lying from the age of 3. As they grew older, the percentage of children lying got higher. By the age of 9, the number of children who had lied reached 70%. Does lying increase in direct proportion to age? Or do people suddenly all become honest when they reach a certain age? From the questions and answers of the host and the guests, one got the feeling that the correct answer seemed to be a "yes" answer to the second question. It was as if adults never lied, for when the guests were asked whether they had ever lied or when they themselves talked about it, although they all said they had lied, yet the lying invariably happened in their childhood. One of them said it was at the age of 13 or 14, another at 7 or 8, and the third on the eve of the Chinese revolution. But what about after they grew up, especially recently and now? Did they never lie again after childhood? Is that true?

  Lying is closely related to advantages and disadvantages, and the liar is always motivated by the need to gain advantages and avoid disadvantages. If there are no advantages or disadvantages, why bother lying? As for young children, they are naive and innocent, unaware of advantages and disadvantages. Naturally they need not lie. For the same reason, children are easily deceived, for they always take the words of adults very seriously. Once on a train, a mother and her 5-year-old son sat facing me. To relieve the monotony of the long journey, I played magic to entertain the boy. I took off the boy's cap, played a small trick, and pretended to have thrown the cap out of the window. "Where's my cap?" asked the boy. "I've thrown it away." I said. "Just blow." The boy then blew on my hand. In an instant, the cap reappeared in my hand. The boy, with his eyes popping, was greatly surprised and delighted. He jumped to my side, took off my cap before I was able to explain, and threw it out of the windowsintosthe distance. This time it was my turn to be pop-eyed! With great delight, the boy said, "Blow, sir!" Blow? Seeing that my briefcase was still on the small window-side table, I gasped and immediately pressed my hand firmly on it and closed the window. Now you tell me, is such a naive child, being not worldly-wise and unable to play clever tricks, really capable of lying?

《英语学习》2002年12期 专题
爱的交错(2003/01/20/ 11:33)
兄弟情深(2003/01/17/ 13:08)
SOHO一族(2003/01/15/ 13:28)
经理恐惧症(2003/01/13/ 12:53)
太阳照常沉落(2003/01/10/ 12:42)



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