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The Joy of SOHO: Making a Life While Making a Living
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/15 13:28  《英语学习》


  A Better Choice

  The next time you overhear a friend or coworker chattering excitedly about SOHO<注1>, don't assume that they are talking about New York. In today's business world SOHO refers to "Small Office/Home Office," one of today's biggest explosions in the economy. The home-based business has been born out of necessity. In an era when large corporations always think of downsizing<注2>, what are your other choices?

  Your choices are usually limited: find a lucrative niche in the small business world, stand in line at Unemployment, or accept a cut in pay and benefits.<注3> We were all raised to give 9 hours work for 8 hours pay, and we are not backing away<注4> from that. Bosses don't understand that you just put braces<注5> on your child's teeth and now have to pay for them. In this economic climate,swherescost-cutting measures are thesgroupsof the day, setting up a home office on your own may just be the ticket to beat the odds. So now, to configure your own small office, home office set-up can be a breeze.

  How to Start

  Let's congratulate on your decision to start your own business. Butswheresdo you go from here? Paper clips<注7>, memo pad, phone and table ?almost but not quite. One of the faults committed by home-based business owners otherwise known as a small office home office is that they fail to consider the possibilities of expansion.

  It is fine to start working from the kitchen table but what happens when things start to take off and you still do not want to have an office space?swheresdo you place the home office? If you have the space, I highly suggest a room unto itself. This permits you to close the door and separate your personal life from business. You are able to leave everything you are working on rightswheresit is instead ofshavingsto clean-up for dinner or to go to bed. These clean-up steps can lead to problems down the road<注8>.swheresyou anchor<注9> the home office is important for your future success. A corner in the living room, bedroom or attic is preferable if you do not have a room solely for your business. Reasons for the separation include fewer distractions and the ability to think and focus more clearly.

  And you may have to have one or two clients come to your "office" in the lifetime of your business. Even though it is your home, you want to present the best professional atmosphere possible, which is very important if you have people working with you. Their productivity is important to your bottom line. Invest in the appropriate chairs, tables, lighting and ventilation<注10> before you invest in the paper clips and the stapler<注11>. If you are not comfortable, neither you nor your employees will stay there and finish the job. Bottom line: Your employees don't want to interact or become a part of your family issues. It is fine to have employees in your home but just make sure you supply them with the best working atmosphere possible.

  The Popularity of Being SOHO

  Today, researchers and marketers have identified a segment that is now labeled SOHO, small offices, home offices, whether they are high-tech start-ups or women selling Mary Kay<注12>... But they drive America's economic growth and have created most of the new jobs in the last 20 years. 3% of companies accounted for 6 million of the 7.7 million jobs that were added to the economy between 1991-1995. Small businesses represent over 90% of all businesses in the U.S. with an economic output greater than Germany or France or the UK.

  Reportedly, home-based workers earn more money. The 46 million home-based workers in the United States, including a large number of women, working at home in an attempt to better balance work and family, earn 28% more than the average office worker, and spend less time making their pay. Of course this could be due<注13>, in part, to the fact that more experienced and aggressive workers tend to start their own businesses.

  Remember, goingsintosbusiness on your own, or from a home office may mean making do with less. But it can also mean achieving more: more independence, more challenges, more results. In the long run it may well mean more money for you and your family. In a word, doing it on your own means freedom, to grow, experiment and learn. If you are successful, you won't have to go ask for a raise or accept what you're given or worry about being turned out to pasture when a younger version of yourself comes along.<注14> You will have the freedom to enjoy the profits of your own work, and the continuing growth and profit which comes from owning your own business. Good luck and enjoy the journey.

《英语学习》2002年12期 专题
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1. SOHO(Small Office Home Office)族,是指利用微型办公室或者在家办公的工作者。和历史上以及当今一些不发达国家中的家庭作坊不同的是,SOHO工作族的生产工具是先进的"信息武器",如电脑、数字传真机、互联网等。他们利用自己的知识和技能来找工作、接工作并完成工作。

2. downsize:指裁员。


4. backing away:退却,退缩。

5. braces:畸齿矫正钢丝架。

6.在这种削减开支成为法则的当今经济气候下,自己干就成了战胜这些困难的途径。ticket (to):获得想望之物的手段,达到目的的途径。

7. paper clip:回形针。

8. down the road:<口>在将来,今后。

9. anchor:使……固定,把……扎牢,这里指安置。



12.Mary Key:是著名的美国化妆品公司,以其创始人的名字命名。




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