2002年10月托福满分作文原文回忆录 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/04 09:25 寄托天下 |
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其实考完T的时候,只是感觉TWE还可以,估计肯定上了4分,但是对6分是没敢奢望的。 有一些朋友要我讲一下作文准备经验,我怕有些误导,因为我是在知道分后才确认我的观点的。但是,ANYWAY,我还是很乐意把我的感受说一说。 作文摸板是要的,但是鉴于现在美国鬼子知道中国学生都用摸板,而且大都千篇一律,因此一定得有自己的特色,特别是开头句。因为第一印象重要呀!(我练口语的时候看到过一段关于美国人的CHARACTER的短文就是:……Easily exicted,therefore Americans are always deceived by their impressions,which are only transient!),因此,写作文的时候我就想利用利用鬼子的弱点,没想到真灵了,MY GOD!当然,一旦自己有了特色模板,还要用熟它,要和自己的论证联贯。这样才会让鬼子觉得你不是在套用模板,而是自然流露。 另外,我不赞成以前很多人的观点——千方百计地用GRE词汇(所谓的难词),首先我觉得鉴于对GRE难词大多数人(牛人除外)只是认识而已,未必用的准确,用于句之中让美国人觉得未必贴切。另外,难词很难保证拼写对,所以,我觉得从这角度说,用的难词多未必好!我的作文没有用太难词,但是自我感觉还贴切,用了一些以前练过口语的地道短语:比如LIFE IS FULL OF UPS AND DOWNS,A NEW BRAND OF…,这些都是鬼子挂在嘴边的,又似乎很贴近他们的口味。 由于考前导师把我的研究课题换了(导致6-10月所有查的资料全白费),因此,当时很郁闷,一度产生放弃T的想法。但还是坚持下来了。我也没长期练过作文,只是考前狂练了一周,每天三篇。最后各种套路的作文都有自己的特色模板,(这里所说特色模板可以靠自己平常留心积累,我考试时第一段的开头就是引用托福真题里一篇阅读里的一段开头,见99年1月第4篇阅读第二段),把摸板练的很熟后,就有时间滕出想内容。但我考试时的内容好象很空,没有具体事例,只是觉得连惯性还算好,句子还算通,长短结合还行,语法和拼写错误较少,中国式英语句型少些而已。就从我的作文来看,内容又似乎不是很重要了,因而我觉得考试时候的6分作文由于时间等关系,可能并没有各种书里的范文那么好,因此大家不要太悲观。 另外,我想说的是,即使自己是只菜鸟,也要对自己有信心,我五月的G只有2110(逻辑才650),但我一点都没灰心!终于在T时捞了回来!另外,考试心态也要把持好,我记得五月考G复习时自我感觉非常好,但考前太紧张,考前一眼都没合,再加上当时对机井的期望过大,导致最后栽在逻辑上!相反,十月考托时,考前也没很多时间准备,但心态很平稳,最终尽管T成绩(620)没平时高,但TWE却超常发挥。自己也觉得很满意。 我的6分原文: Since most important issues are mutifaceted,there are alternatives to choose from,each with its unique advatanges and diaadvantages.The title statement,whether we should choose friends who are similar to us or those who are different from us,is not exceptional.To support one side between the two is a matter of balancing its pros and cons.As far as i am concerned, i would prefer to choose friends who are similar to us.AS we can see,simialr friends means having similar characters,sharing more likes and dislikes,thus understanding each other more easily.When we are exposed to a new environment,we often feel depressed and frustrated,then we intend to seek our new brand of friends,especially those who are similar to us.I illurstrate this example just in an attempt to state one fact that we are inherently inclined to choose friends who are similar to us.The above reason is only one part ,another aspect of my reasons lies in the fact that friends who are similar to us are more helpful than those who are different from us.Life is full of ups and downs,when in trouble,we try to count on simialr friends for help in that the way they deal with difficulties may be more appropriate and comfortable to us . ……忘了一段(对不起) Admittedly,different friends are also very important and helpful to us. One extreme manifestation of its advantages is that we can learn more distinct merits from friends who are different from us. If all these factors are contemplated,therefore,I think I would like to choose friends who are similar to us . 作者:crazychao |
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