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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2003年1期 > 许愿井

Wishing Well
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/12 12:22  《英语学习》

  A wish. It's a powerful thing. There are some that say we create our own destiny. Whatever is in our mind is what happens. A wish, therefore, is the start of our creation.


  新的一年来了,想起了这首Anastacia的"Wishing Well"。Anastacia最大的愿望也许是摆脱疾病的折磨。自从13岁患上克罗恩氏症(局限性肠炎),她一直在做控制情绪的努力以防止病情的恶化。这位拥有黑人嗓音的白人女歌手1999年发行了第一张专辑Not That Kind,很快获得了包括Best New International Artist在内的多个奖项。最新专辑Freak of Nature是用两个月的时间完成的,Anastacia称之为"spontaneous, raw and direct"。这恰好也是生活教给她的座右铭。


  I wish you well

  What do you think of me?

  And who do you want me to be?

  Not gonna let my history pull me down and hold me back

  ya see, I've learned to live my life

  One minute at a time

  Sometimes the things you lose

  Are exactly what you will find

  (Dreams unfold and you cast a spell)

  Everybody shines in the wishing well

  Close your eyes and you will see

  Everybody's free in the wishing well

  Yeah, wishing well

  Why do you try to hide behind the truth that your heart denies?

  The answer lies so deep inside

  Baby spread your wings, it's time to fly

  Gotta learn to live your life

  One minute at a time

  Sometimes the road you choose

  Has the highest hills to climb

  (Dreams unfold and you cast a spell)

  Everybody shines in the wishing well

  Close your eyes and you will see

  Everybody's free in the wishing well

《英语学习》2003年1期 专题
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