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Enhance the Cooperation for Mutual Benefit
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/13 11:19  中国周刊

  On the afternoon of June 7, 2002, President Jiang Zemin, who had just attended the St. Petersburg summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), held warm and friendly talks with Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov at the hotelswhereshe stayed.

  Jiang told Karimov that the relations between China and Uzbekistan have gone on smoothly since the two countries forged diplomatic relations 10 years ago. The political mutual trust between the two sides has increasingly intensified and the two sides, while taking good care of each other's concerns and benefits in external exchanges and mutual cooperation, have always conducted contacts and exchanges on major international issues and those of common concern, coordinated closely and supported each other to safeguard the fundamental interests of both countries together. He said that as two important countries in this region, to maintain and develop the friendly relations of cooperation between the two countries not only conforms to the interests of both countries, but also helps maintain security and stability of the region.

  Karimov said that the Uzbekistani people have deep respect and gratitude towards the great Chinese people in that whenever Uzbekistan faces difficulties, it is always China who offers them support and aids. In the recent years the fields of cooperation between the two countries have expanded, with the achievements in the trade and economic fields particularly remarkable, which is to the satisfaction of the Uzbekistan side. Uzbekistan hopes to strengthen cooperation with China, stands ready to work with China to keep close dialogue and exchange, so as to make mutually beneficial cooperation in every field move forward continuously. The two sides also exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asian region.

  As one of the ancient civilizations of the world appears in this region, Uzbekistan geographically and politically forms the base of Central Asia. The ancient Great Silk Road ran across this region and left many antiquities. The History of Uzbekistan's nationality owns their own roots and leaves in ages and has a history of more than three millenniums. States prospered on this territory - ancient Big Khorezm, Baktria, Sogdiana, Mavara-Un-Nahr, Turkestan have composed a fantastic canto in the history of the development of the world culture.

  Having proclaimed independence in 1991, Uzbekistan has entered an epoch of rebirth of her own spiritual and intellectual valuables, writhed transformations in economic, political and social spheres. The construction of a legal, democratic and secular society with open market economy and strong system of social protection has been carried out for years.


  The People's Republic of China has recognized independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 27, 1991. The two countries established diplomatic relations on January 2, 1992.

  The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov came to China for official visits in March 1992, October 1994 and November 1999. And Premier of the State Council of PRC, Li Peng and President Jiang Zemin visited Uzbekistan separately in April 1994 and July 1996. Uzbekistan paid great attention on political dialogues and mutually beneficial cooperation. Close relations has been established between leaders of two countries.

  Uzbekistan was a cofounder of "Shanghai Cooperation Organizations" (SCO) which was founded on June 14-15, 2001 in Shanghai. During the course of this summit and summit in St. Petersburg (June 7-8, 2002) President Jiang Zemin and President Islam Karimov had fruitful bilateral meetings.

  Some other Chinese leaders also have visited Uzbekistan. Vice-Premier, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau Li Lanqing, visit Uzbekistan in April last year.

  The delegation headed by Li Tieying, the President of Chinese Academy of social Sciences of PRC, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau visited Uzbekistan in May, just one month after Li Lanqing's visit.

  In honor of the decennial event of the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Uzbekistan exchanged delegations in January 2002.

  The Chinese side recognizes and respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, supports the efforts made by Uzbekistan dedicated to insure its national safety, development of national economy and the Central Asia zone free from nucleus weapon.

  After September 11th attack and the antiterrorist operation in Afghanistan, China has denominated positive estimation and supported Uzbekistan international antiterrorist operation.

  The Uzbek side strictly keeps their own obligations on the Taiwan issue, which has been fixed in bilateral political documents.

  China appreciates the stand of Uzbekistan on problems of national separatism, religious extremism and international terrorism and is ready to carry on broad cooperation in these questions. The two countries have played constructive role in the international fight against terrorism. China and Uzbekistan resolutely opposes all sorts of terrorism and has actively participated in the international cooperation against terrorism.

  Up till now China and Uzbekistan have signed more than 60 interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements, adjusted relations in different spheres.

  Trade and economic cooperation

  China and Uzbekistan have conducted all-round cooperation since the two forged diplomatic ties ten years ago, and China values the efforts made by Uzbekistan in promoting Sino-Uzbek relations. There is a solid basis for the two countries to advance bilateral ties, which will witness even more vigorous progress in the new century.

  Uzbekistan is an important country in Central Asia and it is important for China and Uzbekistan to maintain good friendship for promoting regional peace, development, and cooperation Uzbekistan and China enjoy a traditional friendship and the Uzbek people are quite encouraged to see the great changes that have taken place in China in many areas.

  The bilateral trade turnover in 2001has reached ,619,000, 10% more than in 2000. According to the statistics of the Chinese General Administration of Customs, the total trade volume between China and Uzbekistan in 2000 is US.47 million, increasing by 27.6 per cent over the previous year. Of the total volume, Chinese export is US.43 million, up by 44 per cent, and import US.03 million, down by 7.1 per cent, as compared with the previous year.

  The main articles of exports to China are cotton, wool, felt, silk, facilities, products of inorganic chemistry, cotton filament, mechanical equipment, furniture, chemical threads, fabrics, yarn and others. The main articles of imports are the ferrous metalses and products of them, coffee, tea, spices, mechanical equipment and electric, industrial goods, ore, organic chemical join, chemical threads, plastic and products of them, facilities, and products of inorganic chemistry, products from non precious metals and others.

  At present, the two countries are cooperating on aircraft technology, JV "UzDAWOOAuto" cars production, creation of JV on production of mini-tractors on GAI "Tashkent tractor plant", designing the construction of 4-th line of underground in Tashkent city, building Kungrad soda plant, establishing JV on production battle.

  117 Enterprises functioning in Uzbekistan have attracted Chinese investments (94 joint-ventures, 23 enterprises with 100% Chinese capital). They are mainly dealing with retail and wholesale business, rendering the intermediary services, light industry and agricultural products processing.

  The Uzbek-Chinese intergovernmental meetings are dedicated to trade-economic cooperation. The fourth meeting was on April 25-26, 2002 in Beijing.

  The Sino-Uzbek economic and trade ties constitute an important part of bilateral relations, but that the current scale of Sino-Uzbek economic cooperation should be expanded. The two sides must work to tap the potential of bilateral cooperation and take effective measures to boost Sino-Uzbek economic and trade cooperation.

  The mixed committee of Sino-Uzbek economic and trade cooperation should play a major role in advancing bilateral economic ties. The Chinese government encourages the country's enterprises to reinforce cooperation with their Uzbek counterparts to bring bilateral cooperation up to a new level. Uzbekistan is also ready to strengthen its economic and trade cooperation with in the coming century.

  Cultural cooperation

  Cultural exchanges between the two countries are also developing very fast to Advance cooperation in sphere of science, technology and formation continues.

  "Days of science and technology PRC in Uzbekistan" exhibition was held in Tashkent in April, 2002, manifesting achievements and developments the Chinese scientists made in the field of high technology.

  In the field of culture, the study of the realization of "Days of culture of Uzbekistan" in China and "Days of culture of China" in Uzbekistan came to the stage during meetings of the ministers of culture of two countries in frameworks of SCO.

  In sphere of education, the exchange of the students is annually made. The students receive education in educational institutions of Uzbekistan and China.The Uzbek and Chinese sportsmen regularly take part in various sports meetings and contests.

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