欢天“雪”地魁北克冬季狂欢节(下) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/13 13:20 空中美语 |
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语音讲解: 课文朗读: Conversation C Tessa and Bill pause to catch their breath by the side of the river. Bill: Fancy1 that! You've got a smile on your face. You sort of remind me of Bonhomme - the "happy man" - now! Tessa: You mean the carnival ambassador? Now I can see why he and everyone else around here are grinning from ear to ear. Bill: I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! It would have been a shame3 if you hadn't been able to warm up to the world's largest winter carnival. Tessa: Actually, I was thinking we should cool down a bit... Conversation D Bill: Oh no - you don't mean ... Tessa: The snow bath! Everyone strips off their winter clothes, puts on their swimsuits and rolls5 around in the snow! Bill: I think I'd rather head over to the sugar shack for some maple taffy. Care to join me? Tessa: I would... Right after my bath! Joyeux Carnival! by Sandra Walker 词汇小补帖:仅供参考 ●Bonhomme (法文)快乐的人 ●ambassador大使 ●sugar shack卖糖果的小屋 ●maple taffy枫糖味的太妃糖 ●joyeux (法文)快乐的 |
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欢天“雪”地魁北克冬季狂欢节(下) |
Sentence 4U: (点击右键“另存为”可下载语音) sort of有几分。例如: A: Hey! Isn't that car the same as your dad's? B: Sort of. But my dad's car has bigger lights. A:嘿!那辆车不是和你爸爸的一样吗? B:有几分像。不过我爸爸的那辆车灯要大一些。 特萨和比尔在河边停下来喘口气。 比尔:想想!你脸上有微笑,你现在多少有点让我想到了快乐雪人"博纳"! 特萨:你是指狂欢节的亲善大使吗?现在我明白为什么他和这里的每个人都开怀大笑了。 比尔:我很高兴你玩得尽兴!如果你没能热切地融入到这个世界上最大的冬季狂欢节中去的话,那就太可惜了! 特萨:其实,我觉得我们该"凉"一下…… 比尔:噢,不,你不会是指…… 特萨:洗雪澡!每个人都脱掉冬装,穿上游泳衣,在雪地里打滚! 比尔:我想我宁愿到糖果屋去买一些枫糖味的太妃糖。要和我一起去吗? 特萨:嗯……我洗完雪澡马上去!狂欢节快乐! 信息加油站 魁北克(Quebec)是加拿大最大的一个省(province),紧邻加拿大东部的哈德逊湾(Hudson Bay)。1608年,法国人张伯伦(Samuel de Champlain)在圣劳伦斯河北岸登陆(印地安人称此地为"Kébec",意思是"河流变窄的地方")。18世纪,大量法国人到此殖民(colonize),因此魁北克省人大多数是法裔(of French ancestry),这也就是为什么冬季狂欢节的亲善大使"Bonhomme" (博纳)是个法语单词的缘故。 2003年魁北克冬季狂欢节于1月31至2月16日间举行。此时商店、街上、家里到处都洋溢着"Bonhomme"灿烂的笑容,为这严酷的寒冬带来一股暖流。狂欢节上,精彩的活动接二连三(one after another),如雪上橡皮艇(snow rafting)、雪浴(snow bath)、独木舟竞赛(canoe race)等。此外还有晶莹迷离的冰雕(ice sculpture)和夜间花车游行(float),为这个庆典增添了绚丽梦幻的气息(atmosphere)。 |
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