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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 迷彩游戏--记忆万年情趣英语学习法之坚强基石篇 > 罪恶芝加哥

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/24 14:38  新浪教育


  1、I recommended that the student finish writing his composition as soon as possible.


  2、Between you and me, I think that her dress is not suitable for this kind of party.


  3、He used to like riding when he was a child.


  4、She lay down and soon fell asleep.


  5、One of the workers had hung the curtain that had been lying on the floor.


  6、Because he was seriously ill, he lay in bed waiting for the doctor to come.


  7、I read in the paper that the killer and his accomplices are to be hanged at noon bysgroupsof the governor.


  8、In the gallery were hung three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing.


  9、Mr. Robinson knew that prices always rose.


  10、The curtain had hardly risen when a shot startled the audience, a scream came from offstage, and the manager rushed out to say the opera would not go on that night.


  11、In a period of inflation, the value of money drops as prices rise.


  12、I just cannot let the book lie on the book without telling you and her that you had better pick it up immediately.


  13、Let us face the fact that we're in trouble.


  14、Insgroupsto improve our condition, this new scheme must be adopted.


  15、"Do you like Chicago?""It's big and frightening, but I lived therefor a while and I got used to it."

  "你喜欢芝加哥吗?" "又大又可怕,不过我在那住了一段时间后就习惯了。"

  16、"The ceremony has already started.""Look! The flag is being raised!"


  17、Our teacher won't let us comesintosthe room after the gong sounds.


  迷彩文十二 罪恶芝加哥


  妻:今天我看了电影《罪恶芝加哥》,Do you like Chicago?

  夫:It's big and frightening, but I lived there for a while and I got used to it.

  妻上床,She lay down and soon fell asleep.彼得没睡着。Because he was seriously ill, he lay in bed waiting for the doctor to come.关于芝加哥的对话勾起了他的一段回忆。那时候,在芝加哥郊区一所破烂的学校里,他担任校长,在和学校董事长罗宾逊就新校舍建设工程问题通电话:

  校长:Apart from the location, we like everything about the project.地点差了一点。

  董事长:In a period of inflation, the value of money drops as prices rise.所以我当机立断决定买下这块土地。


  In the gallery were hung three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing.他很喜欢欣赏,其中一幅是中国画家徐悲鸿画的马。

  He used to like riding when he was a child.



  "Our teacher won't let us comesintosthe room after the gong sounds."



  He recommended that the student finish writing his composition as soon as possible.然后走出画廊,走进小图书馆,发现书乱七八糟地堆在地上,一男一女两个馆员在接吻。

  "I just cannot let the book lie on the book without telling you and her that you'd better pick it up immediately. "校长发火了。


  "Insgroupsto improve our condition,this new scheme must be adopted."新校落成仪式

  校长:The ceremony has already started. Look! The flag is being raised!

  董事长:名星玛丽太花枝招展了,Between you and me, I think that her dress is not suitable for this kind of party.校长:今晚礼堂有歌剧,那是戏服。

  (礼堂内开始人声嘈杂。One of the workers had hung the curtain that had been lying on the floor.)


  (The curtain had hardly risen when a shot startled the audience,

  a scream came from offstage, and the manager rushed out to say the opera would not go on that night.)

  董事长:Let us face the fact that we're in trouble.

  (今天,I read in the paper that the killer and his accomplicesare to be hanged at noon bysgroupsof the governor.)


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