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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 禁忌话题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/02/26 09:58  世博英语

  一次老板带我去参加一个party,看到角落里有个穿着老土衣服的女人,于是我对老板说:你看那个女人好土!老板转过身:“she is my wife.”My god!我想我是说错话了,不知道明天上班会怎么样?!

  你说错过话吗?你说过不该说或让自己后悔的话吗?你又怎么办呢?对了,这里说错话英文就是stick one's foot in one's mouth.把脚塞到嘴里,当然就做错啦,所以人们常用来指说了不该说或让自己后悔的话。仔细阅读下面的一段话,体味一下这个片语的用法。

  Every culture around the world has certain taboo topics, if you don't want to stick your foot in your mouth, first you must pay attention to those topics people avoid discussing. For example, Americans will avoid talking about politics, religion, racial issues, as well as personal lives. In Brazil, soccer is the one topic that can turn friendssintosenemies, thus gives us clues about what Brazilians value, respect, etc. Generally, when we talk about topics that are considered too personal or too controversial, we'll stick our foot in our mouth.


  所以我们在说话之前,必要三思而行,想想要说的话是否会伤害别人或令人不愉快,也就是说所说的话要安全可靠,对了就是be on the safe side.这个片语应该很好记吧!在安全的一边,当然就指要安全可靠了。用英文解释就是to choose the safer option, to avoid risks.看个例子:

  If you want to be on time for work, to be on the safe side, you should leave 10 minutes earlier.


  A:I was introduced to meet a pretty girl, you know I'm alone at all!

  B: That's a good thing to do,swhereswill you meet?

  A: In a restaurant.

  B: You should choose a grand one, just to be on the safe side.

  A: oh…maybe.

  B: And you should take more money, just to be on the safe side.

  A: Oh…right.

  B: And you should bring me with you, I think, perhaps, I can give you some advice.

  A: Oh…maybe, but…but I don't bring you, It's just to be on the safe side.

  B: Ohoh…?!











  好了,今天我们主要学习了两个片语,说了不该说的话,用stick one's foot in one's mouth,为了安全可靠,我们用be on the safe side. Ok, see you next time!


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