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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 中国周刊(2002年10月号) > My third Halloween in Hawaii

My third Halloween in Hawaii
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/03 14:01  中国周刊

  The oncoming Halloween will be my third one in Hawaii. However, I had little experience on it.

  In 2000, I past my first Halloween outside China. Actually, when I was in China, I got some basic information about Halloween in my English class, but I was not interested in it. On Halloween evening 2000, most friends of mine in Hawaii went to Waikiki to enjoy all kinds of activities of Halloween, and days later when they showed me the pictures they took there, I thought it was a smart choice not to join them. On that evening, I went to school early by myself to study till midnight so as to avoid disturb of "trick or treat"

  In 2001, I decided to join my friends to play around in Waikiki insgroupsto know American culture better, but unfortunately, a paper was due the next day, and I had not even started yet! As time was so invaluable for me, I did not want to waste more time on the road to and from school. So I stayed at home to write my paper in living room. Soon somebody was knocking my door, I knew it was those naughty boys in my building to ask for candies. I did have some candies and I would also like to give them, but in that situation, I did not want to waste my time even a second. Then I ignored the knocking. But those guys shouted at me through my closed windows, "Min, I saw you. Trick or treat??Who knows what things those guys will do to trick me? I had to open the door and gave them some candies. OK. No sooner had I closed my door than some more children come to "trick or treat?me, not only children in my building but also in my community! I did not think my candies were enough for them even gave them only one per person. Quickly, I went back inside and picked my stuff and came out again, pretending to join their "trick or treat?group while at the same time drove to school to study there till midnight. Even at school, there were some students, known or unknown, familiar or strange, came to say "trick or treat?to me. Fortunately, they said that just for joking around, and they themselves gave me some candies.

  This year, as I have three papers due after Halloween, I determined to study at home for the whole night. And differently, I will not study in living room, but instead of in my bedroom, and what's more, I will turn off the lights in living room and close the door of my bedroom. But before that, I will go to supermarket to buy some candies and put them in front of my apartment door, and let those guys to help themselves. That is my treat.

  After September11, you can feel terrorist atmosphere here and there occasionally. Actually, even before that, a couple years ago, in US mainland, a Japanese student who wanted to "trick or treat?a white man was killed by the latter for trespassing private property, and the event was proved a manslaughter and the white man was set a verdict of not guilty? Even I had time to join those "trick or treat?people in Waikiki, very probably, I would still prefer to stay at home or go to theater instead. It seems that I got to wait till next year to experience a real American style Halloween in person. I hope so.

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