世界因你而精彩 | 2003/03/06 09:46 世博英语 |
语音讲解: We know that it is impossible to be completely independent of the society.世界到了今天这个地步,你不可能完全独立于这个社会。所以我们不能缺少朋友,When you are in difficulties, sometimes you need help from others.需要帮助的时候,你必须靠朋友和家人。 今天我们的话题是:朋友,世界因你而精彩 1. I am counting on you!就指望你了! 先来看一下句子里面的短语count on,意思相当于rely on, depend on.但是我发现还是count on在口语里面用的比较多!比如有下面一个例子: When I was in college, we studied advanced mathematics. You know that is quite a difficult subject. You can hardly imagine that Andy will sometimes go to a maths genius to ask for help!在大学里面学习高数可是很困难的事情。所以实在无能为力的时候,我就去找一个数学天才!然后拿上几个香蕉,说上一句: Hello, genius! can you help me with my mathematics assignment? I am counting on you. Yow know, i have no interest in it!这样的情况未免有些尴尬,所以总是要奉承一番!结果呢,这位兄不费吹灰之力,三下五除二,He not only finished my assignment,but also ate up all the bananas! What a genius! 2. Don't be so hard on yourself.对自己别太苛刻! be hard on:对某人要求比较高 be hard on his employees,就是对雇员要求苛刻! be hard on yourself,就是对自己要求比较高! In the modern time, you can find some people are out to(trying to) be successful. They are so hard on themselves that it makes them busy to deal with so many things everyday.如今在我们这样的国家,尤其是在一些大城市,你可以发现很多人为了成功,都对自己要求比较苛刻,所以他们每天都有很多事情要做,也很累!但是在国外却有些不同,In abroad, people under 40 pay special attention to their health.在国外,40岁以下的人们都很注意身体的健康,他们不会让自己变得很累!所以我们的国人应该学习学习了! Don't be so hard on yourself!对自己要求不要过于苛刻! Take care of your health!注意自己的身体! Lastly, let's say, don't be so hard on yourself. When you feel so tired, please go to the bar to relax yourslf and when you are in trouble, go to your friend and ask for help. Friends can make your life colorful! (本期笨小孩口语广播由世博英语(老师编写录制!世博英语保留一切权利!未经书面授权,请勿转载!) |
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