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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/11 09:44  世博英语

  淅淅沥沥的小雨,偶然邂逅一位温柔的美女,于是思念便潮水般涌来,没有心思学习,没有心思工作,多年后的现在,你才觉得你根本就不应该任思念在脑海里无拘无束的蔓延,也许那一开始就错了。对了,片语start something off on the wrong foot正好表达这个意思,指“没有好的开始”或“某事一开始就错了”。觉得这个片语很美,也很实用,所以今天讲一讲。

  Rose and Jim have been dating for a year, but Rose's parents don't think Jim is the right guy for their daughter. So Rose doesn't want to start their marriage off on the wrong foot by displeasing her parents.


  start something off on the wrong foot相当于to begin in the wrong way.这个片语正是从跳舞中得来的,如果两个人一开始跳舞时都使用左脚或右脚,不就脚碰脚了吗?一开始就错了!看看英文老师的解释。

  In social dancing, the man usually starts on the left foot, while the woman starts on the right foot. If one of them doesn't do this, then they may end up stepping on each other's feet. So they are in trouble from the very beginning. So to start something off on the wrong foot means to start something by already doing something wrong at the very beginning. This puts you in a bad position or at disadvantage. It makes what you are doing even harder than it might happen if you started it off on the right foot.


  Today is the first day I go to work, I don't want to be late and start my new job off on the wrong foot.

  这个句子很简单我就不给译文了。你们自己思考着是什么意思吧!下面我们看看今天要介绍的第二个片语keep something under her hat.

  片语keep something under one's hat意思是keep something secret即隐瞒某事。把某物放在帽子里,或把某物放在帽子下使之被遮住,当然就是隐瞒的意思了。

  Greg leaked information about his company to a competitor for getting more pay. Although he tried to keep it under his hat, finally, his boss found out and called the police.


  Please keep the news under your hat, and I'll give my dear a surprise.


  尘封往事,历历在目,提起笔,却无从写起…轻轻推窗而望,夜人静,唯有晚风摇动一树相思…从认识你的那一天开始,我的世界便开始了漫长的等待,为一种没有结束的等待而等待。也许这一开始就是一个错误(I start my feeling about you off on the wrong foot!)。可是朋友,天涯何处无芳草,勇敢的面对人生,坦诚的面对自己,不要试图隐瞒(keep something under one's hat)什么哦!


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