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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/17 10:10  世博英语

  Bush Considers Abandoning U.N. Resolution



  WASHINGTON - Forcedsintosa diplomatic retreat, U.S. officials said Thursday that President Bush may delay a vote on his troubled U.N. resolution or even drop it—and fight Iraq without the international body's backing. France dismissed a compromise plan as an "automatic recourse to war."


  【注释】vote,这里的意思是“投票,表决”:At the end of the meeting, a vote was taken on the motion.会议结束前对该动议进行了表决。We will have to put the matter to the vote.我们将不得不把这个问题付诸表决。还可以表示(1)“选票,投票所做的选择”:At the election I shall give my vote to Tom Smith.选举是我将投汤姆-史密斯的票。(2)“投票结果”:The vote yesterday went in his favor.他在昨天的投票中获胜。(3)“选举权,投票权”:In Britain, young people are given the vote at the age of 18.在英国,年轻人到18岁就有选举权。recourse,“the act or an instance of turning or applying to a person or thing for aid or security,

  依靠;求助”: I'd prefer to buy the house myself without recourse to my parents.我更喜欢靠自己的力量买房子,而不是去求助我的父母。

  Amid a swirl of recrimination and 11th-hour posturing, the White House called France's position unreasonable while U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan raised the possibility of a global summit "to get us out of this crisis."


  【注释】swirl,“whirling confusion or disorder,使晕头转向的骚乱或紊乱”:high-pressure farce built around the swirl of mistaken identities,因身份的错乱而产生高度紧张的闹剧。做动词的意思是:(1)“旋转”:They watched the snow swirling past the window.他们看着雪花在窗外飞舞;(2)“眩晕”:Riding the roller coaster made my head swirl.乘坐过山车使我头晕目眩。recrimination,“吵架,互相指责”:The negotiation broke down in an atmosphere of recrimination.谈判在互相指责的气氛中破裂了。

  Iraq braced for war, lining the streets of Baghdad with fighting positions and foxholes, while the Pentagon moved B-2 stealth bombers from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri to bases close to Iraq.


  【注释】brace for,“prepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult准备迎接(困难),使振作精神”:The country is bracing itself for the threatened enemy invasion.这个国家正准备奋起抵抗敌人的入侵威胁。stealth,“悄悄、秘密的行动”:The weapons had been acquired by stealth.这些武器被偷偷弄到手。这里用如形容词。相应地,stealthy意为“悄悄的,鬼鬼祟祟的”:a stealthy glance at her watch.偷偷地看了一下她的手表。

  The government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein exulted in the diplomatic tumult over a U.S.-British backed resolution that would demand that Iraq disarm by Monday. The allies "have lost the round before it starts while we, along with well-intentioned powers in the world, have won it," the popular daily Babil, owned by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's son, Odai, said in a front-page editorial.


  【注释】exult,“欢跃,狂喜”:The soldiers exulted at their victory.战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。exultant,“(正式语)兴高采烈的”:The exultant crowds were dancing in the streets.兴高采烈的人群在大街上跳舞。


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