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Lesson Two之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/19 17:54  新浪教育

  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1. say the word: VCU

  - Margaret,别忘了生日蛋糕、饮料和小吃(snacks) And确保(sure)你们都在房子里藏好and then我到家时,Jennifer会发出开始的信号(say the word) and你们就可以打开(turn on)灯大喊:"给你个惊喜!"

  - OK, so当你和Mary从饭店回到家时我们都已藏好and当Jennifer看见你们走近房子(close)的时候,他会给我们一个信号(gives us the signal)。

  - Yes,是这样。这将是为她举办的一次成功的聚会(be,great,for her)!

  2. keep one's eye on the ball: VCU

  -下个月当我们进行(go through)和新的合作公司合并(merger)的时候,我们都必须切实(really)关注事态的发展(keep one's eyes on the ball)

  - Yes,今后几个星期(the coming weeks)我们必须要集中精力(remain focused),因为肯定会有大量的转变和困难。我们不能无视(forget)我们现有客户们(current costumers)的需求。我们仍必须一如既往地(continue)提供为我们带来声誉的高质量的服务(service ,be known for)。

  3. between a rock and a hard place: VCU

  -我去年被解雇后生活很困难(life,after,fire)。那时全国的经济也处于十分低迷的状态(also,situation,at that time)。With所未付的账单(bill)和按月支付的房屋抵押贷款(home mortgage),我真的是举步维艰(between a rock and a hard place)。无论我如何努力找工作(no matter),各个公司just不招收新雇员(hire,staff)。

  -听上去(sound)真是身处困境(difficult position to be in)了。But好像(seem like)你的境况现在已有所好转(get better)。


  4. take someone's breath away: VCU

  - Paul,你最喜欢什么样的音乐(favorite)?

  -当然是古典音乐了(definitely)。我仍记得我第一次听Beethoven的交响乐(remember,symphony by Beethove)--我记得是Beethoven's第九交响曲--音乐的力量和美(power)的确让我大受感动(take one's breath away)……even我现在听它的时候,它依然令我激动不已。

  -我明白你的意思(mean)。Even though我不是很喜欢听古典音乐(classical music),听到如此强有力的东西(as powerful as that)仍然令你激动(touch one's emotions)。我更喜欢爵士乐(jazz music)。只有在爵士乐里我才能得到灵感(inspiration)。

  5. drive someone crazy: VCU

  -我的新apartment棒极了(great)!它又新又大and地理位置也非常便利(location,convenient)。惟一的麻烦(problem)就是我的新邻居快要把我气疯了(drive someone crazy)!他就在我卧室隔壁整夜整夜地练习敲鼓(drum)。这可把我气疯了(make)。我告诉过他这有多烦人(annoying)but他还是照敲不误(stop)。我不知道(sure)我该怎么办才好。


  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. Leave someone high and dry:SU

  The teacher left the students high and dry when he decided to move to another school during the spring semester. There was no one to replace him, so the students were without an English teacher for the rest of the school year.

  2. reach for the sky: RU

  - Mary, do you have a personal motto that you live by?

  - When I was young, I remember my favorite radio host would always end his weekly program by saying "keep reaching for the sky."

  - What does that mean?

  - It just means, keep living for your dreams. Keep setting high goals for yourself and living your ideals. I think it's great advice.

  3. mark my words:. SU

  - There is so much construction going on in China. Someday I bet the world's tallest building will be built in Shanghai - mark my words.

  - I will remember that you said that. And some day if it does come true, I will buy you a plane ticket to fly to Shanghai and we can meet there for dinner.


    Lesson Two相关章节链接:
    Lesson Two之对话篇
    Lesson Two之定义篇
    Lesson Two之抢答篇

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