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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson Three之习语篇

Lesson Three之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/24 18:00  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1. get in someone's hair: VCU

  - Honey,你星期六能带孩子们去上公园吗(take)?

  -没问题dear. But出什么事了(problem)?

  - Well,当我在家里漆房子的时候(paint),小Cindy and Bobby总是惹我生气(get in someone's hair)。如果他们在这儿,他们会搞个乱七八糟(mess)。

  -我以前不知道(idea)当你收拾(work on)房子的时候他们老给你捣乱(bother)。没问题,我会带他们去散步and then我们吃点东西。你一整天都会很清静了(free,whole)。

  2. put someone off: VCU

  - Hey Julia, what你觉得你的新同屋怎么样(what,think,roommate)?

  -我不知道,她有些(kind of)让我讨厌(put someone off)


  -当她搬进来的时候(move in),她不是很讨人喜欢(nice)。她老是大声嚷嚷(loud)and把她的东西扔得满屋子都是(all over)as if我不存在一样。

  3. wear on someone: VCU

  -让所有亲戚都来我们家度假的确很好(nice),but这么多人住在家里开始让我有点烦了(wear on me)

  -我明白你的意思,亲爱的。让他们所有的人都在咱们家住上两个星期是有点让人心烦(a bit of bother)。But别担心(worry),他们后天就要走了。

  - I know.只是我又要做饭又要干家务真有些吃不消了(just, be exhausted with ,cooking,homework)。

  4. bite one's nails: VCU

  -你看过电视转播的篮球赛了(game)吗?真是一场精彩的(good)比赛。我真是难以相信我们队竟得了冠军(championship)!During第三节(period)我和我的朋友都很紧张不安(bite one's nails),because比分(score)太接近了。But最终我们队扳了回来(come) and我们以10分之差赢了(win by, point)。


  5. get cold feet: VCU

  - So Rob,你打算(be going to)什么时候向Linda求婚(ask, marry)?

  - I don't know.我计划(plan on)下个月向她求婚,but now我开始发怵了(get cold feet)。当我想到结婚and做"丈夫",这让我有点儿紧张和害怕。

  - Oh,别担心!每个人结婚的时候都会紧张的(nervous),but你们俩是天生一对(great)。我知道你们会成为一对儿模范夫妻(great)。

  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. flash in the pan: SU

  - After all these years as a professional performer, I still hate singing in front of large audiences. It always gives me butterflies in my stomach.

  - I can't believe it still makes you nervous to perform in front of people. You're a professional singer and have such a beautiful voice. Surely you have nothing to worry about.

  - I know I shouldn't be nervous when I perform, but still I can't help it. Fortunately, the nervousness only lasts for a couple of minutes at the beginning of the performance, then I get more comfortable and can relax.

  2. rise and shine!: SU

  (a mother waking her children up in their room at home)

  - Rise and shine kids! It's a beautiful day today and we're going to the beach! Come on, come on! Wake up, wake up! Let's get ready. Dad is already packing the car, put your clothes on and let's go!

  - Mom, it's still only 6am!! Why do we have to get up so early? The sun isn't even out yet and you want to go to the beach? Please! Can't we sleep a couple of more hours and then go?

  - No kids. I know it is early, but we have a very long drive to get to the ocean. It takes more than 3 hours to get to the shore, so even if we leave soon we still won't get there until 10am. Get your things ready and you can go back to sleep in the car.

  3. all thumbs: RU

  - Do you know//where//I can get my dress repaired? I ripped it as I was walking through the door out of my house yesterday.

  - Why don't you have the tailor down the street fix it for you?

  - I don't like the work he does. He is all thumbs. Last time he sowed a pair of white pants for me he used red string and you could see the red lines on all the seams. It was awful. I couldn't believe a professional tailor would be so clumsy to use red thread on white pants! I will definitely never take my clothes to him again.


    Lesson Three相关章节链接:
    Lesson Three之对话篇
    Lesson Three之定义篇
    Lesson Three之抢答篇

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