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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson Three之抢答篇

Lesson Three之抢答篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/24 18:28  新浪教育
  Read the following questions aloud, and then answer them as quickly as possible:
  1.Turn the word "laid"//into//something you do with a phone number.

  2.Nouns name persons, places, things or ideas. True or false?

  3.Find the proper nouns(专有名词) in this sentence: Tom's father says he will drive the car around and look for Sandy.

  4.All words can be divided//into//syllables. True or false?

  5.Correct this sentence: "He don't know how to say it."

  6.What does the contraction "here's" stand for?

  7.Minute is to hour as day to…what?

  8.Which means "without hope": hopeful or hopeless?

  9.Correct this sentence: "Jim found five mouses in the closet(衣橱)."

  10. Which doesn't belong in this list: friend, fork, dish, plate, and a car.


    Lesson Three相关章节链接:
    Lesson Three之对话篇
    Lesson Three之习语篇
    Lesson Three之定义篇

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