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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《王强口语》第一册 > Lesson Four之习语篇

Lesson Four之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/26 17:15  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used有时用

  RU=Rarely Used不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:

  1. get gray hair: VCU

  - Wendy,你教的学生都是多大岁数的(old)?



  - Yes,我很喜欢。But孩子们也让我老得快(give, gray hair)。他们精力旺盛(energy)and总是在教室里大声喊叫,跑来跑去。这种工作压力大(stressful),and很累人。

  2. give one butterflies in one's stomach: VCU

  -做专业演员(professional performer)这么多年后,我现在还是不喜欢(hate)在众多的观众(audiences)面前演唱。这总是让我害怕得紧张(gives one butterflies in one's stomach)。

  -我真无法相信(believe)在观众面前表演(perform)还使你紧张(still, make, nervous)。你是一个专业歌手and有这么甜美的嗓音(voice),你真是没有什么可担心的(surely)。

  -我知道不该在演出的时候紧张(should),but还是不由自主(help)。幸运的是,这种紧张感(nervousness)只在演出(performance)开始的时候持续(last)几分钟,then我就变得自在多了(comfortable) and能够放松下来(relax)。

  3. on pins and needles: VCU


  -Hi honey,是我。

  -Hi dear!你去哪儿了?我们一直在这儿如坐针毡地(on pins and needles)等着你的电话。面试(interview)结果怎么样(go)?你得到这份工作没有(not)?

  -你们干吗都这么焦急不安的(anxious)?我说过你们别担心and that我六点种会打电话过来。And yes,我真的得到这份工作了(do),我下月一号开始上班。

  4. play the devil's advocate: VCU


  -我没有和你争,我只是提出质疑(play the devil's advocate)。我只是试着从辩论(argument)的另一个方来看问题(look,side ),it's not that我真不同意你的看法。Sometimes想想与自己观点相反的人会怎样看待你自己的想法是有好处的(help, point of view, idea)。

  - Oh, Ok我还以为你是在故意(deliberately)同我作对呢(disagree)。

  5. fall/bend over backwards: VCU




  -我总是尽全力(bend over backwards)帮助他做他需要做的任何事情(help, whatever, need)and他从来不表示感谢(appreciative, grateful)或感激。他从来不说thank you, and有一点小事儿(problem)也总要指望(expect)我帮他。我好几次帮他忙(help someone out),有时甚至在深更半夜他需要帮他修车(fix, car)。但他连一次thank you都没说过。



  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.
  1. rotten to the core: RU

  - Why does it seem that Eric is always getting//into//trouble at school? Everytime I see him he is being scolded by the principal.

  - It's true. None of the teachers at school like him very much. They all think he's rotten to the core. They feel he is a terrible, disrespectful student that only causes trouble. Personally, I don't think he's that bad. Sure, he does get//into//trouble a lot, but he can also be a very nice guy.

  - I wonder what his parents are like, I mean, with a troubled kid like that I wonder how they deal with him.

  - Actually, his parents are very nice people. They are extremely patient with him and are always trying to support him. They have even paid for him to see a children's psychiatrist because they are afraid that maybe he has an attention deficit disorder.

  2. call of nature: SU

  - Dad! Can you please stop the car at the next exit?

  - Why? What's wrong? Do you need to go to the bathroom?

  - That's right. I have to answer the call of nature.

  - Ok, Bobby, I'll pull over so you can go. But why didn't you go to the bathroom 10 minutes ago when we stopped at the rest area on the highway!?

  -I guess nature wasn't calling me loud enough.

  3. keep a civil tongue (in one's head): RU

  - Even if you completely disagree with someone and are angry with them, you always need to try to keep a civil tongue. It's like my mother always said: "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all."

  - That's very good advice, but it's easy to lose control sometimes and say hurtful things.

  - You're right, and very often we regret//having//said those things afterwards. Well, at least try to be nice and not be too rude.


    Lesson four相关章节链接:
    Lesson Four之对话篇
    Lesson Four之定义篇
    Lesson Four之抢答篇

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