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Lesson Seven之习语篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/04 12:58  新浪教育
  VCU=Very Commonly Used 很常用

  SU=Sometimes Used 有时用

  RU=Rarely Used 不常用

  Retell the stories in English using the provided expressions, and then paraphrase the highlighted idioms:
  1. hardly have time to breathe: VCU

  -Hey,Ron,过得怎么样(go )?这两个礼拜我一直试着想和你联系 (get in touch with),but哪儿也找不到你(nowhere)。一切都好吗?最近怎么样(be up to )?

  -Sorry,Scott. 我这个星期忙得透不过气来 (hardly have time to breathe)。工作上很多事情的完成截止期限 (deadline) 一个接一个到了and 儿子又发烧卧床不起更压得我够呛 (extra burden,fever),我简直是 (literally) 连一点空闲(free)时间都没有。有一两次我本想给你打电话,but总是又有什么事需要我马上去做(attention)。你现在怎么样?

  2.be tied up: VCU


  -Hi,Sweetie,是我。你在哪儿?我和客人们都在等你吃饭呢(guest, on the table)。你没事吧?

  -Honey,我太抱歉了。四十五分钟前我想我可以回家了(ready),but then我的老板把我叫到他的办公室(call),and我就忙得脱不开身了 (be tied up)。他想讨论那个新项目 (project) and我不知道该怎么对他说我得走了。我想打电话告诉你我要晚些回来 (late),but我又不能打。请告诉客人们that我很抱歉and我现在正在回家的路上 (on the way )。

  3. a rule of thumb: VCU

  -这些照片太精彩 (fantastic) 了。看上去这像一个极有意思的地方(look like, super-interesting),值得游览。and你真正捕捉 (capture) 到了当地人的生活方式 (life style)。

  -Well, in fact,它并不是像看上去那么简单。看这幅老人的照片 (picture) 了吧?给他照的时候还真费了点周折 (trouble)。我给他照了相,他看上去就像没事儿似的 (fine),but接着他就因为给他照了相就管我要钱 (ask, take his photograph)。我是第一次碰到这种事。

  -Yes,我也有过类似的经历。我要说,作为经验之谈 (a rule of thumb),旅行的时候给陌生人(stranger)拍照前最好是先问问他们。我发现按照这个建议来做通常证明是有效的 (advise, prove),能避免 (avoid) 像你描述的那种让人难堪的情形 (uncomfortable , describe)。

  4. not have a care in the world: VCU

  -我真欣赏 (admire) 你的态度。我知道你是一个busy woman有事业and两个孩子需要你的照顾 (career, attention)。我不知道你是怎么处理好所有事情的(manage, get…into) and always看上去那么平静和快乐,as if这世界上没什么让你烦心的事 (not have a care in the world)。我应该学学你 (learn),我总是在某些事上不由自主地 (can't help doing ) 感到压力 (stressed) 和紧张。

  -I guess it's a matter of taking at a time and 知道我的生活要比起 (compare to) 那些面临极大困难的人要好得多(serious problems)。

  5. hit-and-miss: VCU

  -对一个营销策略而言(for, strategy),你不可能总是会预想到 (predict) 谁将成为你的客户。Even though这是某种完全靠撞大运的办法(hit-and-miss) ,在当地的公寓楼群 (complexes) 中挨家挨户(door to door) 发 (distribute) 广告传单肯定(be sure to) 会给你带来新业务 (bring)。

  -Yes,我们倒也考虑过这种策略,but,由于结果难以保证(as, guarantee) ,我们倾向于 (prefer) 通过邮局使用有对象的邮件投递 (targeted mailings)。至少我们要按某种计划行事而不能全靠运气(act, leave something all to chance)。
  Guess the meaning of the highlighted expression from each context.

1. give someone a big send-off: SU

  - Thank you all for such a great party. I had a great time.

  - And you looked quite surprised when you saw us all in here. That was fun!

  - It was a very nice surprise. I never suspected anything because I didn't expect anybody to give me a big send-off, since I'm only going away for two months.

  - Well, you know, everybody here appreciates the work you do very much and we just wanted to celebrate your assignment overseas and give you our best wishes.

2. nail someone down: SU

  - Hey, Mark! Have you decided whether you'll be coming with us on the trip? We need to make reservations as soon as possible.

  - Unfortunately not yet. I need to know if Sarah can take care of my dogs while I'm away. She's the only person I know who can do it. I'm still waiting for her answer.

  - Well, time is running short and we really need to make those reservations. You're going to have to nail Sarah down on that soon.

  - You're right. I'll call her right now and get a definite answer from her.

3. scrape the bottom of the barrel: SU

  - This new antique store is really bad. I can't see anything that would be worth buying. They must have really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to fill the store with so much junk.

  I know! So much of this stuff is just useless garbage. It's like they went door to door collecting whatever people were throwing in the trash. How can they call these antiques!
  Lesson Seven相关链接
  Lesson Seven之对话篇
  Lesson Seven之定义篇
  Lesson Seven之抢答篇

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