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Lesson Six之定义篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/02 12:41  新浪教育
  1.grape (n.)

  A grape1 is a kind of fruit. It is small and round.

  2.hammer (n.)

  A hammer is a tool. It has a handle and a heavy metal2 head. It is shaped3 like a T.

  3.have (v.)

  To have something means to own4 or possess5 something.

  4.hold (v.)

  To hold is to have something in your hands or arms.

  5.high (adj.)

  High means up.

  6.ill (adj.)

  Ill means sick.

  7.sometimes (adv.)

  Sometimes means at some times but not at others.

  8.never (adv.)

  Never means at no time in the past or in the future.

  Exercise :

  Define accurately the following things.

  1. grandmother (n. 祖母、外祖母):mother/ father

  2. ice (n. 冰):water/ hard / cold

  3. imagine (v. 想像) :picture/ mind7

  4. jump (v. 跳起来) :push/ air

  5. dark (adj. 黑暗的):light

  6. mad (adj. 愤怒的):angry

  7. exactly (adv. 恰好、精确地):correct /mistakes

  8. warmly (adv. 热情地、热心地):friendly

  1.grape: (n.) 葡萄

  辨析:grapefruit 西柚,柚子

  用法:unripe grapes 未熟的葡萄 over-ripe grapes 熟透了的葡萄

  表达:(1) vineyard (尤指种植酿酒葡萄的)葡萄园

  (2) Sour Grapes. 因得不到想要的东西而说这东西不好。一种自欺欺人的态度。源自伊索 “狐狸和葡萄” 的寓言。

  (3) The grapes are sour. 得不到也没什么大不了的。

  2.metal: (a.)金属制的

  3.shaped: (a.)有…形状的

  用法:That cloud is shaped like a running horse. 那片云形状象匹奔马。

  4.own: 拥有 指拥有财产等外在之物。

  辨析:owner 拥有者,the owner of the store 店主;ownership 所有权,所有制; state ownership 国有制;private ownership of land 土地私有;public ownership of liquor trade 进行酒贸易的公有权;temporary ownership 暂时拥有权

  5.possess: 拥有


  用法:(1) possess a huge mansion and three fancy cars拥有一所豪宅和三辆豪华车

  (2) possess intelligence 有灵性;possess wisdom 有智慧

  表达:(1) be possessed by 被(鬼、邪念等)缠住,走火入魔

  (2) He was possessed by a demon(devil).他被鬼缠住了。

  (3) I was possessed by a fancy idea.我当时对那个美妙的想法走火入魔了。

  (4) He was possessed by a wild idea.一个疯狂的念头缠住了他。

  *6.frozen: (v.)原形freeze 冰冻,结冰

  用法:(1) My hands are freezing.我的双手快要冻僵了。

  (2) My toes are frozen. 我的脚趾头冻僵了。

  (3) The weather pipe frozen.水管冻住了。

  表达:(1) frozen food 速冻食品

  (2) All of a sudden, I freeze and get tongue-tied , and I really don't know why. 忽然,我一下子僵在那儿,变得张口结舌,我真不知道究竟怎么啦。

  7.imagine: v. 想像、推测

  辨析:image 图像、影像、形象;imagination n.想像,想像(力)

  用法:It can be better imagined than described.这事想像起来比描述起来容易。

  I imagine your girl friend will be here soon.我想你的女友一会儿就来。

  表达:I cannot imagine what you mean. 我真猜不出你的意思。

  * 8.mind: 头脑

  辨析:head 头部;brain 脑子;

  something is in one's mind(=thinking about it)在思考某事; something is on one's mind(=be worried or concerned about it and think about it lot)某事令人牵肠挂肚;

  比较:I think I know what's in your mind.我想我知道你在想什么。

  I think something is on your mind.我觉得什么事让你放不下心。

  I asked him what was in and on his mind.我问他脑子里在想什么,在牵挂着什么。

  I've a lot on my mind now. 眼下我心里有许多事让我牵挂。

  I'm never on your mind. 你心里从来就没有我(指情感上不关心)。

  用法:read one's mind 知道某人在想什么

  表达:come to one's mind 出现在脑海中

  cross one's mind 在脑海中闪过

  rake one's mind for 为…搜索枯肠

  change one's mind 改变主意

  speak one's mind 说心里话

  * 9. manner: (n.) 方式、举止=way

  辨析:manners 指风度,礼仪、规矩等,常用复数;good manners 有礼貌;bad manners 没礼貌;table manners 吃饭时的规矩;road manners 在路上开车时的规矩;Her manners are charming. 她风度翩翩。

  表达:(1)(用复数形式)Watch your manners. 注意你的行为举止。

  (2) You have no manners.你一点儿礼貌都没有。

  (3) What are your manners? 规矩呢 / 你还有没有礼貌?

  This girl has manners. 这个姑娘很有礼貌。

  (4) It is considered bad manners to…做……被认为是没礼貌的

  (5) a person without manners 没有礼貌的人
  Lesson Six相关链接
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