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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/08 14:36  新浪教育

  Iraqi TV Shows 2 Said to Be U.S. Airmen


  Iraqi state television on Monday showed two men said to have been the U.S. crew of an Apache helicopter forced down during heavy fighting in central Iraq


  Gen. Tommy Franks, the U.S. war commander, confirmed that one helicopter did not return from its mission Sunday and that its two-man crew was missing. The men were identified as Chief Warrant Officer Ronald D. Young Jr., 26, of Lithia Springs, Ga., and Chief Warrant Officer David S. Williams, 30, of Orlando, Fla.

  美军指挥官Gen. Tommy Franks确认一名直升飞机飞行员没有从周日的执行任务中返回,并且有两名飞行员失踪。这两名分别是来自乔治亚州Lithia Springs的26岁的Ronald D. Young和来自弗罗里达州Orlando多的30岁的David S. Williams。两人都是一级准尉。

  If confirmed, the airmen would be the second set of POWs displayed by the Iraqis in as many days.


  Unlike those soldiers, the men shown Monday did not appear to be injured.


  The two wore cream-colored pilots' overalls and did not speak to the camera but appeared confused. They turned their heads and looked in different directions while being filmed. One of the men sipped from a glass of water, looking wary but not cowed.


  The contents of one man's wallet were displayed across a table, including a Texas driver's license, a card from the Fort Hood National Bank, phone cards and credit cards.


  A spokesman at the U.S. Army Post in Fort Hood, Texas, said that a helicopter from its 1st Battalion of the 227th Aviation Regiment was missing in action in Iraq.


  "The unit was deployed in February," spokesman Dan Hassett said. "That's all I can really say right now."

  发言人Dan Hassett称:"这个小组的任务是在2月就布置了,这是我现在所能说的一切。"

  Military officials said Williams has been in the service for 12 years, and has a wife and two children who live on Fort Hood. Young, an Army man for three years, is single.


  The footage was shown after Iraq claimed it shot down two Apache helicopters and was holding the pilots.


  "A small number of peasants shot down two Apaches," Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf said. "Perhaps we will show pictures of the pilots."

  伊拉克情报部长Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf说:"是几个农民把两个美国人打下来的,也许我们会公开这两个飞行员的照片。"

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