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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 艾丽丝仙境奇遇记:鬼门关前走一遭

What is a Near-Death experience
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/15 13:02  空中美语




  Alice felt herself floatingsintosspace and rising up past dust-covered lamps to the grey ceiling. She looked down calmly at her body lying unconscious on a white table, surrounded by doctors and nurses. Then, before she knew it, everything was dark although her eyes were wide open. "Where am I?" she wondered. She began flying through a long dark tunnel at high speed, emergingsintosa white light which completely engulfed her. She had a sense of total euphoria. She felt her dead father standing there, reaching out his hands to her, saying "Alice! Go back!"

  Alice regained consciousness on an operating table in the hospital; the doctors had saved her life. She had just had a near-death experience, or NDE. This means she was clinically dead-the ECG registered no heartbeat, showing only a "flat line"-and yet, by some miracle, she had come back to life again.

  More Information 仅供参考,不须强记

  1. engulf v.吞没

  2. euphoria n.幸福感;欢欣感

  3. clinically adv.临床上地

  4. ECG n.心电图(electrocardiogram的缩写)




英语学习论坛】【评论】【 】【打印】【关闭

1. float

v. to move slowly through air or water 飘浮;飘荡
The balloon slipped from the child's fingers and floated high up into the air.

2. ceiling

n. the surface which makes up the top part of a room 天花板
The walls in the room were painted yellow from floor to ceiling.

3. oriented

adj. in a sleep-like state; not awake 无意识的;不省人事的
Before the doctor began surgery, the nurse checked to make sure the patient was unconscious.

4. surround

v. to position all around sth. 围绕;包围
In the Middle Ages, many cities were surrounded by walls to keep enemies out.


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