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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 男人简单就好

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/30 10:31  世博英语

  纯情的女人总是被那些城府极深的男人吸引同时也被欺骗,所以他们呼吁男人简单就好,反过来讲(on the flip side),城府再深的男人,也容易被漂亮的女人轻松搞定(be conquered as easy as one, two, three).

  片语as easy as one, two, three意思是指“轻而易举的事”。像1,2,3一样,不管你把他们拿来加减乘除乘方开方,都很简单,是不是?所以人们就用这个片语来修饰某事很是容易完成或操作。看两个例子:

  This software isn't difficult to use. It's as easy as one, two, three.


  English learning is not as easy as one, two, three. We must be prepared to take a long time effort.


  英语学习决不是一朝一夕之事,大家肯定深有体会,简而言之一句话,难!但只要你善于动脑,善于总结(boil down to something),往往就能收到事半功倍的效果。

  I think, learning English can boil down to three simple ingredients: persistence, proper ways and good teachers.


  片语boil down to something意思是“归结,简而言之”,boil是煮沸的意思,把汤煮沸使之浓缩,就是精简,精练,归纳的意思了即sum up or summarize, or, indicate, especially as a final judgement or analysis.


  boil down:

  Simplify, summarize, or shorten, as in John finally managed to boil his thesis down to 200 pages.

  boil down to. Be reducible to basic elements, be equivalent to. For example, What this issue boils down to is that the council doesn't want to spend more money. These metaphorical usages allude to reducing and concentrating a substance by boiling off liquid.

  结束语:生活中谦虚谨慎是很重要的,随着社会生活阅历的丰富,这种感触就越来越深。有些看起来轻而易举的事(as easy as one, two, three),其实做起来就并非易事,所以生活中要不断总结,归纳(boil down to something)。学习英语也一样,我们在世博英语论坛的空中英语教室教学中不就要求大家用简短的话把课文进行简写吗?如果每天坚持一练,把课程精简为几句话(boil the whole article down to several sentences),进步就指日可待了。


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