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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/29 10:18  世博英语

  Friends,中文译名为《六人行》或《老友记》是美国正在热播的一个sitcom (即situation comedy)也就是我们所说的情景喜剧。它之所以这么受欢迎,是因为其内容轻松,语言幽默,每每令人捧腹不已。对于英语学习者来说,我们更能从中学到不少地道的口语。现在就请大家和我一起感受其中的乐趣吧!



  Joey: Hey Chandler, while you were sleeping that guy from your old job called again.

  Chandler: Again?

  Joey: And again, and again, and again... Hello? And again.

  Chandler: (on phone) Hey Mr. Kostelic! How's life on the fifteenth floor? (Listens) Yeah, I miss you too. (Listens) Yeah, it's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know? (Listens) Well, that's very generous (Listens) er, but look, this isn't about the money. I need something that's more than a job. I need something I can really care about.... (Listens) And that's on top of the yearly bonus structure you mentioned earlier? (Listens) Look, Al, Al... I'm not playing hardball here, OK? This is not a negotiation, this is a rejection! (Listens) No! No! No, stop saying numbers! I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy! You've got the wrong guy! (Listens) I'll see you on Monday!


  Chandler以前的上司(Mr. Kostelic)以为他是因为钱的原因而辞职不干的,所以又打电话过来和Chandler商量。Chandler先是有些嘲讽地问候Mr. Kostelic,然后说“Yeah, it's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know? (是啊,你知道啦,从自己家里偷笔太没满足感了)。”我本人蛮喜欢Chandler的这种幽默的,不过我也在猜想他平时是不是老从公司“揩油”啊?

  接着Mr. Kostelic报了一个很generous (慷慨)的待遇,但Chandler好像不为所动,他解释说这根本不是钱的问题,他想要的也不仅仅是一份工作,而是想做一些他能真正在乎的事情(This isn't about the money. I need something that's more than a job. I need something I can really care about....)。大家不妨背一背这句话,在面试的时候拿出来show一下,说不定有奇效呢,呵呵。

  显然Mr. Kostelic根本不理会Chandler刚才说的那一套,有一句谚语中西方都有,那就是“有钱能使鬼推磨”(Money makes the mare go.)于是他告诉Chandler说他刚才所讲的待遇可是额外于年终奖金的(That's on top of the yearly bonus structure.)他肯定觉得Chandler是在故做姿态以便讨价还价,但Chandler说:“I'm not playing hardball here, OK? This is not a negotiation, this is a rejection!”play hardball原本是垒球术语,表示使用标准的硬球,后来引申为“使用非常手段,有时甚至是不光彩的手段来取得胜利”,这个短语在商业或政治方面尤其常用,又比如:

  Bush officials set to play hardball for tax cut.




  yearly bonus

  play hardball


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