Words of the Year 2002 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/04/30 13:53 《英语学习》 |
2002可以说是名副其实的“反恐年”。反恐不仅是国际政治的主题,也使普通人的生活或多或少地受到了不同程度的影响。从2002年美国选出的流行词汇中不难感受这段时世的纷乱与艰难。 A long-winded phrase whose meaning reflects a nation's worry about war with Iraq has been voted 2002's word of the year.<注1> The American Dialect Society selected "weapons of mass destruction" as its annual choice at a meeting in Atlanta on Jan 3, 2003.2 "The term goes back 50 years, but you can't turn on the radio or television without hearing about 'weapons of mass destruction,'"<注3> said Wayne Glowka, an English professor at Georgia College & State University who is also chairman of the society's new words committee. Most of the words nominated by members of the society reflected the looming threat of war with Iraq or the suffering economy,<注4> Glowka said. "All these words ?Iraqnaphobia, regime change<注5>, weapons of mass destruction ?they all have to do with worry about war with Iraq. So it hasn't been a very good year," he said. "Not as bad as last year, but certainly not an 'up' year."<注6> The American Dialect Society, founded in 1889, has been choosing words of the year since 1990.<注7> "There is no scientific method of determining which words or phrases will be named words-of-the-year," said Allan Metcalf, executive secretary of the group. "It's kind of like Time magazine determining the whistle-blowers were the person-of-the-year. There is no objective way of determining it. It's all done with a show of hands."<注8> The phrase "regime change" was voted most euphemistic, not so much for its connotations to Iraq, but because people started using it to describe other changes of leadership.<注9> "Like when a team fires a coach, they call it 'regime change,'" Glowka said. There was only one nomination for 2002's most inspirational word: "embetterment," coined by President Bush.<注10> But even though it was the only candidate in that category, it was voted down because "people didn't want to encourage it," Glowka said. Other words won superlatives<注11> from the American Dialect Society: Wombanization, a synonym for feminization, won most unnecessary because it's hard to pronounce.<注12> Neuticles, a brand name for fake testicles for neutered pets, was named the most outrageous word.<注13> Blog, a log of personal events posted on the Web, was voted most likely to succeed.<注14> Iraqnaphobia, meaning a strong fear of war with Iraq, won most creative. Most useful: Google, the verb (to plug a termsintosthe Google search engine)<注15>. Words of the Year 2001 2001年流行词汇 1. Most Outrageous最恶心奖 assoline (屁油),methane used as a fuel指用作燃油的甲烷。 2. Most Euphemistic最委婉奖 daisy cutter (滚地球),bomb used by US Air Force美国空军使用的一种燃料气化炸弹。 3. Most Likely to Succeed最有可能沿用奖 9-11,terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001。 5. Most Creative最佳创意奖 shuicide bomber (人鞋炸弹),terrorist with bomb in shoes指在鞋子中藏有炸弹进行自杀性攻击的人,是suicide bomber与shoe的结合。suicide bomber指用炸弹进行自杀性攻击的人,即“人体炸弹”。 7. Least Likely to Succeed最不可能沿用奖 Osamaniac(女拉登迷),woman sexually attracted to Osama bin Laden用来描述9-11恐怖袭击后那些疯狂迷恋本-拉登的女子。 Word of the Year Sept.11 (and its equivalents), Sept.11(及其同义词)成为年度词汇。 |
2002年度词汇 |
1.一个冗长的短语被选为2002年度词汇,它反映了一个国家对伊战争的忧虑情绪。long-winded:冗长的。 2. The American Dialect Society:美国方言协会;weapons of mass destruction:大规模杀伤性武器。 3.这个词虽然50年前就有了,但今天广播和电视上还少不了提到它。 4.该协会成员提名的大多数词汇都反映了对伊战争这一潜在威胁或困顿的经济现状。looming:隐约的。 5. Iraqnaphobia:恐伊症,由Iraq和phobia (恐惧症)两词组合而成;regime change:权力易手。 6.不像去年那么糟,但肯定也没什么“起色”。 7.成立于1889年的全美方言协会自1990年开始评选年度词汇。 8.我们的评选方法有点儿像今年《时代杂志》将三位勇于揭发真相的女性选为风云人物一样,并无什么客观办法,是举手表决的。whistle-blower:(尤指组织内部的)告发者,告密者。《时代》杂志2002年风云人物授予三位敢于冒个人风险揭发公司内幕及弊端的女性。她们分别是联邦调查局工作人员科琳-罗利(Coleen Rowley)、世界通讯公司的辛西娅-库珀(Cynthia Cooper)和安然公司的莎朗-沃特金斯(Sherron Watkins)。 9.“权力易手”这个短语被选为最委婉用语,倒不是因为它影射伊拉克问题,而是因为人们开始用它来泛指领导层的更替。 10.被提名2002年最有灵感的词只有一个,就是布什总统创造的“慰藉”。embetterment是指让人在感情上好受一些,与embitterment一词相对。 11. superlative:最佳者。 12. wombanization即“女性化”的同义词,因不好发音获得最不必要词汇奖。 13. neuticle(假阳物)一词获得最恶心奖。Neuticle原是一种被阉割动物的假生殖器的商标名,后被用来指代这类东西。 14.网络传记,即网上公布的个人资料,被选为“最有可能沿用的词”。log:航海(或飞行)日志。 15. Google,用作动词,指在Google搜索引擎中输入一个词语。 |
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