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Lesson One口语部分文化篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/07 13:30  新浪教育
  Read the text carefully and be prepared to answer the question:

  American Values

  Americans sometimes fallsintosthe trap1 of thinking that American values are universal ones. We can't always see that our values are actually typical American values. Instead, we assume2 the things Americans value3 are obviously what everyone should believe in.

  But we should remember the saying: when you "assume," you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me" . We only need to look at what happens when Americans go as advisors4 to developing countries to see how wrong our assumptions can be. Some Americans go thinking they're sharing pearls of wisdom with the backward natives about how to get things done right. They assume that stimulating competition and giving financial incentives5 for individual achievement will naturally change people's behavior and lead to success. When their projects barely6 get off the ground, they can't understand what went wrong. They mistakenly think that people must just be lazy or that they don't really want a higher standard of living. So the advisors wind up7 getting discouraged and going home, grateful to be surrounded by hardworking Americans again.

  In these situations, we should realize that American values may come from America's unique position as the land of opportunity. We are brought up with the American dream that everyone can work hard and get ahead. But we should realize that in countries with a different history and different opportunities, other values might be more important, like avoiding conflict8 or saving face.

  1. trap n. a dangerous situation which a person has gotsintosand from which it's hard or impossible to escape.陷阱、圈套

  例句:He fellsintosthe trap of his opponent when playing chess and finally lost the game.


  2. assume: vt. to accept sth. to be true without question or proof假设,设想

  例句:We can't assume that he won't come until we get a definite message from him.


  3. value: vt. to have a high opinion of重视

  例句:I value the friendship between us above all else.


  4. advisor: n. a person who gives advice顾问,提供意见的人

  例句:Quite a lot of companies have their own advisor agencies.


  5、incentive: n. sth. that arouses someone to action激励,奖励

  例句:Only hard-working employees will be offered cash incentives.


  6. barely: adv. almost not几乎不能

  例句:He could barely see anything after the eye operation.


  7. wind up: to arrive in a place or situation as a result of an action(以……)结束,落得个……的结局

  例句:When I get sleepy I always wind up drinking a cup of coffee because it helps to refresh me for more study.


  8. conflict: n. disagreement; quarrel; argument分歧;争论;冲突

  例句:We wish to avoid conflict between our countries if at all possible.


  Exercise: Describe the factors that have attributed to the American value system.

  Clues to answer: a land of opportunity, work hard.

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