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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 失去的爱

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/28 14:02  新浪教育

  Last Dec.1998,that was the one of the best days of my life because I've discovered that the one I'm talking in the phone was my crush. We always talked in the phone and we even end up late in the morning. I'm very happy because. I've known him as sweet, understanding, lovable and most especially cute, not the boast some girls look after him. The day came when we finally met and at that time I did not excite because. what I think of, what if he will not call me after he see me. But all questions in my mind have a very positive answer because. after our first meeting nothing has changed.



  I didn't realize that the girl I've known for about three years is actually my crush.



  she is so lovable girl that each time I meet her I could hear my inside.


  ③positive answers:正面的消息/答案,好的结果

  All Lemon's efforts turned into a very positive answers: she got all A's at the end of this semester


  I always pray to God that he will court me until one day my prayers have been answered because. he courted me. My God, that was the happiest day of my life. He's more than a sweet and caring as what I've known him. He really loved me and also I felt the love and care that he showed to me. Our relationship was almost perfect but then one day we faced a very bad problem, when his parents called me and asked me to end up our relationship. I don't know what to do at that time because. his mom wanted to stop our communication and concentrate us to our studies.


  ④Court:这个用法在口语中很少见,但是只要说出去,正确的句子,一定会让美国人大吃一惊,顿失颜面,因为你掌握的美国的地道用法比他们还要多,这里即不当"法院"讲,也不当"球场"讲,而是在男女中当"献殷勤"的意思讲,一次我就和一个美国人讲我是怎么追到一个漂亮的女孩子的,"I got to court her, I get to buy things for her, and everything/我要向她大献殷勤,给她买东西,所有的事情都要考虑到"

  ⑤His parents want us to stop our communication and concentrate to our studies.


  I thought our relationship would last but suddenly he changed. I know nothing can stop change

  and I should face the reality. I tried to win his heart again but I failed. I cried every night and I even attempt of suicide. I tried dating and make new friends but its not working because. every time I'm with my date I always remember him and our happy moments. I know God has a reason for allowing things to happen but I just cant accept that his gone and left me. Its very difficult to accept in my part when he said its over and I can find a man much better than him.I begged not to leave me because. his my world but I cant stop him bec.he said he doesnt feel now the love that he used to, what I did is to cry coz I have nothing to do to win him again but I have no regrets because. I felt the love and I experienced to love.


  ⑥Win sb's heart.


  She tried to win his heart again, but failed./她试图重新赢回他的心,但是失败了。


  David had had a girlfriend in the college but they just departed for some reasons, and he tried to win her heart, but failed.


  ⑦God has a reason for allowing things happen.


  Now, I picked every piece of me and move on(重新拾起破碎的自己,前行)I just leave the past behind and start all over again. I can wake up now with a big smile and I still reminisce (回忆) the past. I lost him but I will cherish the momeries of him. He still have a special place in my heart. Chris, I suffered a lot but I still believe the love that we shared was the great gift that God has given to me.


  ⑧Rose picked every piece of her and moved on after Jack's dead.




  You got to cherish your girlfriend if you really love her.


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