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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/30 10:36  寄托天下

  Issue 12

  "Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction---in other words, to make things as simple as possible."

  Whether making things simple requires greater effort and courage than making them bigger and more complex depends on the sort of effort and courage. Indisputably, the many complex technological marvels that are part-and-parcel of our Lives today are the result of the extraordinary cumulative efforts of our engineers, entrepreneurs, and others. And, such achievements always call for the courage to risk failing in a large way. Yet, humans seem naturally driven to make things bigger and more complex; thus refraining from doing so, or reversing this natural process, takes considerable effort and courage of a different sort, as discussed below.

  精华:Indisputably,…part-and-parcel of = necessity/essentiality of…不可或缺的部分

  The statement brings immediately to mind the ever-growing and increasingly complex digital world. Today's high-tech firms seem compelled to boldly go to whatever effort is required to devise increasingly complex products, for the ostensible purpose of staying ahead of their competitors. Yet, the sort of effort and courage to which the statement refers is a different one--bred of vision, imagination, and a willingness to forego near term profits for the prospect of making lasting contributions. Surely, a number of entrepreneurs and engineers today are mastering that courage, and are making the effort to create far simpler, yet more elegant,technologies and applications, which will truly make our lives simpler in sharp contrast to what computer technology has delivered to us so far.

  精华:seem compelled to boldly go to whatever effort is required to for the ostensible purpose of…stay ahead of…

  a different one--bred of vision, imagination, and a willingness to forego near term profits for the prospect of making lasting contributions in sharp contrast to what computer technology has delivered to us so far

  Lending even more credence to the statement is the so-called "big government"phenomenon. Human societies have a natural tendency to create unwieldy bureaucracies, a fitting example of which is the U.S. tax-law system. The Internal Revenue Code and its accompanying Treasury Regulations have grown so voluminous and complex that many certified accountants and tax attorneys admit that they cannot begin to understand it all.Admittedly, this system has grown only through considerable effort on the part of all three branches of the federal government, not to mention the efforts of many special interest groups.Yet, therein lies the statement's credibility. It requires great effort and courage on the part of a legislator to risk alienating special interest groups, thereby risking reelection prospects, by standing on principle for a simpler tax system that is less costly to administer and better serves the interests of most taxpayers.

  精华:Lending even more credence to the statement is…

  stand on principle for…

  Adding further credibility to the statement is the tendency of most people to complicate their personal lives--a tendency that seems especially strong in today's age of technology and consumerism. The greater our mobility, the greater our number of destinations each day; the more time-saving gadgets we use, the more activities we try to pack \into\ our day; and with readier access to information we try to assimilate more of it each day. I am hard-pressed to think of one person who has ever exclaimed to me how much effort and courage it has taken to complicate his or her life in these respects. In contrast, a certain self-restraint and courage of conviction are both required to eschew modern conveniences, to simplify one's daily schedule,and to establish and adhere to a simple plan for the use of one's time and money.

  In sum, whether we are building computer networks, government agencies, or personal lifestyles, great effort and courage are required to make things simple, or to keep them that way. Moreover, because humans naturally tend to make things big and complex, it arguably requires more effort and courage to move in the opposite direction. In the final analysis,making things simple---or keeping them that way--takes a brand of effort born of reflection and restraint rather than sheer exertion, and a courage character and conviction rather than unbridled ambition.

  最后这两段个人认为是整篇文章的精华了,因为无论从思想还是从语言都是精品了。我们常听到一些g友痛苦的呼声:天啊!我们这些non-native speakers什么时候才能练成像这些人一样能够“I think in English, therefore I write in English.”毕竟,我们十几年甚至几十年来都是在非英语环境中成长,gre作文简直是在挑战我们的极限了——在短短数月之间就要写出一篇super professional, and super insightful的文章来。但是,我们有想过吗?既然现在时间那么紧迫,想一步登天是不大可能的情况下,为何不能边用中文思索societal phenomena,边狂练英语句法,虽然作出来的成品(作文)会有点别扭,但好过一直停留在托福的水平上呀。另外,我们不要忘记,做了gre的阅读后,我们的阅读和理解能力已大大提高了,我们的思维方式也必将有所转变,而这些都是对我们准备作文很有帮助的。因此,我强烈建议:1.多看多读有gre风味的句子,无论多么晦涩都要好好琢磨个中含意;2.坚持发掘对你有用的社会现象,联系实际,模仿gre的思维方式,大胆brainstorm,提出自己的见解,与其他人一起探讨问题,将会受益匪浅。

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